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Sunday, December 30, 2007
i've been busy stuffing my mouth with food and hanging out with my darlings!
i ate so much at cafe iguana that i got bus-sick and ended up walking home from some obsure bus stop. till. i realised it's too late and it's too far for my heels to carry me home. so i flagged a cab. which is super expensive now. like helloooo it's 5 bucks to bring me home when the distance is joggable in say 20 min. if u jog fast and are fit and healthy-something i am not now.

i am now under-exercised and over eating. my mummy has been nagging at me to stop eating and lose some weight. because i have been fat, i am now on a diet. esp after jon told me his bro fasted for a day. and jem kong is a big guy. if he can do it, so can i. hahahah! first step was refusing snacks at yuna's party. then stopping myself from eating too much of the monkey pie thing. and drinking only ONE and 1/4 shot of this yummy chocolate shots jialee got from aust. so yayness. soon i'll be able to eat less. plus school is restarting with all its un appetitising food so i think i'll be able to do that detox thing and finally resemble an anorexic's diet for at least one day. AHAHAHAHA. i've been saying this since sec 3. i still am not anorexic for one day. hahahah. we'll see.

and because i have encouraging friends/fiends like huilian who in all her skinniness reminds me that she is told she is fat by her friend. i am inclined to stick to the diet so i will not look elsewhere when the DIET word is mentioned.

the new year is round the corner. so this is one resolution i have. yay! i'd better stick to it this time and make my mummy proud. hahahha.

since i have dedicated an entire entry to my anorexic diet i will make it work, before even my dad tells me to be anorexic. and so this is my parting shot-i must not succumb to anymore ben and jerry's. even if the one at dempsey is supremely pretty and inviting.


Hui Wen
12/30/2007 12:38:00 AM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
