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Monday, July 30, 2007
i got a new phone and it has ignited the techno spark in me. so i've decided to give my blog a little revamp. =)
i.e. i got NEW collages.
coz i suddenly remembered that i have picasa. how cool is that!

to anonymous, i have no idea what nodel of sevens i got. hahah. i'm not THAT serious a fan.

sat i had a date with musician chow peiqian.

she's going to nottingham to do music.
she's so cool. she has composing AND conducting classes.
she has her own baton. NOT wand as i call it. to think i did music all the way to grade 8. HAHAH.

i'm gonna give her a diamond studded one for her wedding. HAHAH. in her dreams.

so we had tea at royal copenhagen tea lounge where she threatened to break all the china and leave me alone! HAHAHA.

we had so much fun chatting randomly. the way only mydearchow and i can do. i'm so gonna miss her when she leaves!
then we went shopping for her. and i was sugar mummy as i paid for her bebe top. (ok she's gonna pay me back.)

then she left me to go to vivocity where i met my og NAITOU (or more accurately, Nahito) for dinner at Station Kitchen at st. james.
i was there so early-6.50pm when we're meeting at 7. so i tried to do some nice shopping and figuring out where to meet them when paul called me and said,"EVERYONE'S HERE! WAITING FOR YOU!"

gosh gosh. dropped the topshop bracelet and cheonged to the mrt station. where hey, there were ONLY 5 ppl waiting. 5 out of 14. ?!

i officially believe that everyone likes to be late.

hahhah. i shld have just continued shopping. TSK.

and we trooped down to the place and discovered how extravagent we had to be. for some korean grill, we were all prepared to fork out 148 amongst 4 of us. for pig's tongue. chicken thigh etc etc.
this is my silly table-consisting of jeslyn cedric and ben. who were willing to be adventurous and wasteful. HAHAH.

later, we found out that we were eating la mian instead. so yay. it's reasonably priced. hahahah.
and in my vain attempts to capture candid moments, all these photos turn out extremely posed and complete with ugly lighting. dang.

we decided to troop down to the roof top where alas, it is too wet to sit on and talk. so we went to ben and jerry's for some BADASS skyhigh calorie-count icecream.
we eventually got a MONSTER one with 20 scoops. YAY!

tastes yummier than it looks! i think. it just looks like a puke bucket, no? ok i'm a lil strange.

we had silly games and then our highly exciting sharing sessions. HAHAH.
jeslyn and i had some wonderful suggestions for our dear og mates. =)

and then the waiter wants a group photo to place on the wall. and suddenly i'm the birthday girl yet there's no free icecream for me, just a copy of the grp photo free. hahaha. well better than nth.

stayed till they were closing and got a lift from ben together with stephen and isurujith.
was gonna cab from blackmore but none were around and 170 swung by.
so i took 170.

and here's the exciting thing! i got off at the bus stop with the railway and. couldnt decide which way to go. is it A) the shortcut into the heavy vehicle park with 99% chance of stray dogs/cats appearing or B) the small tiny linkway with 99% chance of spiders, cockroaches etc falling on me OR getting intertwined by the plants.


i even contemplated walking the road until i saw the traffic.

i then decided to dash using B) and i think i amazed several drivers who might have thought they saw a tall cat running. HAHAH.

i got out unscathed. YAY!
maybe one scratch. but i'm alive. hahhah.
then i got some marlboro offers.
from those illegal sellers.

and i ran away AGAIN.

and it was so freakin dark.

i think i ran the whole way home.

maybe next time i ought to wait for the cab instead.

i gotta give tuition later and it's PAYDAY! and i get to pay off my credit card bill.
then tmr i gotta make an early start!

Hui Wen
7/30/2007 04:35:00 PM

missed me?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
hello everyone!

i've been a really busy busy bee this time.
medicamp from 16 to 19.
then IMMEDIATELY HONG KONG from 20 to 24.
both were GREAT!

the new boeing 777 has GREAT leg space. and you NEED to leave ONE seat empty in the front row. HOW COOL IS THAT. more leg space and space to throw barang barang. YAY!

Marriott rocked our socks. =)

guess who has seven for all mankind jeans? guess who has Armani skirt?
guess who has replay and sons jeans? guess who has CHEAP same as singapore zara dress?
guess who raided H&M?
guess who has new schoolbags, clothes, shoes, FOOD, cardigans?


hahhhahaha. i'm literally smiling at my pile lovingly. my luggage was 18 kg. not including my carry-all. =)

LOVELOVELOVELOVE nola and auntie helen. =)

we also shopped at

and ate at the PENINSULA.


i'm kidding. we didnt shop at those places. do i look like some indon tai tai? no. so we didnt.
but we did get the great buys i was bragging abt earlier. =)

we were also nannies to rachel and edward. 2 cute small kids. so fun. yet they kept tickling us. TSK.

we also went swimming at the HONG KONG GOLF CLUB.

then stayed with auntie helen and kids at their place at stanley. very nice. =)
lots of laopobing. =)
i watched blades of glory, tallegada nights, some parts of music and lyrics, 300, disturbia.

was shagged. by night after night of little sleep.
slept till 11 today.
rag yesterday was so red and sticky.
i got my books though.
very nerdy i know.
i'm in medicine.
what do you expect?
i havent looked at the books yet though.
i shld step it up eh.


Hui Wen
7/25/2007 07:03:00 PM

Monday, July 09, 2007
i've been so busy these days. i can't seem to remember what i have done the past week, which is why HOLA-NOLA's paul&joe does the trick very well.

let's see, after that immense hangover on sun, mon i was back on track doing...? oh yes. shopping and then salsa class with the class we don't love very much. tues was lunch with gwen then my face peel. then wed was hermit day since yours truly was red and angry looking. thurs was lunch with peiqian who is now in love, and not with me. then the salsa class we LOVE. fri was dinner with sam darryl mich tubby liru evelyn at tonkichi and then we went to harry's at esplanade for this paul guy who's great on his guitar. sat was TRANSFORMERS with ting. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this show. =) i want a bumble bee car too.

ting's hilarious to be with. like the cathay MAKES SURE their workers give us receipts or it's free popcorn for us. so. ms liu did this:
"hey. along with the coke, can you NOT give us the receipt?"
and i beingdrunkonoxygen chimes in ,"WHAT. no diet coke? TSK."

well done to us. we JUST reminded our fren at the counter abt the receipt. and. i think she thinks ting's flirting with her. HHAHAHAH. first ting goes ,"can we have the LURRRRVER'S set?"

anyhow. while watching the credits roll, in anticipation of some peek of transformers 2, ting decided to share with the whole cinema my desire to marry george clooney. she screams, "WHAT! YOUR'RE NAMING YOUR SON HUGH CLOONEY-CHUA?!" thanks.

and she's naming her kid lucifer. ?! i just know her kids will grow up and be in need of therapy.

hopped down to takashimaya for coffee club. ting's treat. then after a LONG walk. went to canele at paragon for a slice of cake. in the process, we saw robots!

ting RAN after it. and we ended up with so many shots of the robots. i'm told it's for some star wars thing.
i for one, thought it was perhaps a cool ad for a vacuum cleaner.

"hey ting. i think they're advertising for vacuum cleaners"
some robot creeps up behind me and says in some deep manly voice, "No. i'm not a vacuum cleaner. i'm a handsome guy behind this mask."
HAHAHAH. all the excitment including ting's getting ALL turned on by robots dissipates as some vacuum cleaner lookalike robot is flirting with us.
he goes on to say some crap i dont remember. but it was funny nonetheless. HAHAAH.

explored bus options and took 190 to clarke quay to meet patrick and friends.
devised a system to show HOT/NOT. tested our system on passers-by. TILL HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT guy in pink shirt appears and suddenly i'm tapping my nose like mad and ting's fanning herself crazy. HAHAH. great system eh.

we're gonna use the same system on tues. YAY! wait. isnt tues tmr? oh yes it is!

to make this an even longer post, i was reading the papers. and
check this out.
"my friend is a lesbian. she believes she was born one, not having experienced any heterosexual inclinations since she became sexually conscious in puberty."

UH-HUH. so i'm NOT LESBIAN! YAY! suddenly mr. pink appears in my mind!
ok not like i need this to confirm it but i think it sounds so interesting. hahah.

Hui Wen
7/09/2007 12:00:00 PM

hey honey.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
fri was high tea day with my 3Q girls at Marriott hotel. yay! tonnes of gossip. and loadsa fun! =) shopping with mich at zara after tuition got cancelled by ahlian. TSK.
no tuition=no money!
*edit: ahlian's OFFICIALLY fired. that irritating twat. HA.

then sat was busy busy busy! went off to bobbi brown's for makeup class CUM makeup session for my dinner at the Tower Club. i LOVE sannie. =)
she did my brows, taught me makeup and even put shimmer glitter on me. FOR FREE. =)

rushed home! changed into my FAVOURITE dress-for now. and i've only worn it once.
descended upon the dinner just in time. everyone LOVES me. HAHAHAHA.

then it was off ting's birthday party! =)
she got us a table at mos.
she got us bottleS of drinks. including chivas. ROCKS.

birthday girl ting REALLY LOVES me. couldnt keep her hands off me.

alright-and others too.

tingjiyepatrickyvonnetakahanselsinyeejogeorgiaxiaoyishimpeishawn&a bunch of VERY intoxicated SAS girls who smoked like chimneys.

jo the SMU law poster girl!

great company! JIYE's hilarious. and she's pretty to boot.

and we're both silly ppl who refused to have our photo taken by this photog. coz we werent sure what is was for. in the end, it's for CLUBBING IN ASIA. some pretty cool site. so we got our picture taken then.

jiye sinyee me!

almost everyone got drunk. wasted. trashed. silly. HAHAHAHAH.
broken glasses. drinking from bottles. drinking coke from the jug. eating ice. lying on the couches. trying to remember names. getting conversations going. dancing. people making out. walking NOT in a straight line.
i was called mascara and some other girl's blusher. she kept pulling my dress. she wants to make out with me. HA. then i got a young hot-blooded male to sit beside her. THANK ME.

party fizzled out and i returned to find myself knocking puke bucket over and getting very pissed indeed. slamming some person's phone on the table.
decided to bust the joint. and cabbed home.

today's salsa was fun. EXCEPT for some ABC who knocked my head. am i THAT tall?
facial tmr. caps are in AGAIN. =)

Hui Wen
7/01/2007 07:18:00 PM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
