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Thursday, June 28, 2007
"i am sinGing.
i am sinGing, it's my turn to sinG at the pARty.
everyone is dancing
ramses doesnt dance at pARtiessssssss!
ramses is number one
he know the desireSSSSS!!!!!!"

kova and ting and my OFFICIAL FAVOURITE song for now.
we watched nacho libre at ting's yesterday.
AND put this scene on rewind.
we couldnt STOP singing to it.
love the accent.
we kept doing it.
jack black's so gross he's hilarious.

love a great funny retarded movie to tickle that funny bone. =)

started the day off with lunch with sam.
then met ting at shu uemura where she was getting her brows done.
we met kova for my makeup class at bobbi brown. GREAT class. seriously. =)
they couldnt take their eyes off me. HA. and we finally realised nude makeup is not that slack.

shopping at shu for falsies and walked to cine to utilize my billy bombers voucher.
chatted abt old times. HAHAH. got into silly giggling fits. lucky for ting's shades. no one can see my face which is impt considering what nonsense i was sprouting.

had SEVERAL identity crises. HAHAHA. thanks to them.

headed to heeren to check out tattoo parlours. and decided tongue rings are gross. not to mention DANGEROUS.

brought ting to paragon for an impromptu haircut at action which lasted FOREVER. good thing there were those magazines and kova and i decided on some LOOKS for school. =)

finally got our subway wraps (HEALTHIER CHOICE!) and tried to hail a cab. it's SUPER difficult to do that outside cine. it's free for all. and alas. we got into a VERY funny catfight with a girl.
"it's my cab"
"oh yea? we ran after the cab"
"i was here first."
"we're in a hurry."
"so am i"
"well, do you wanna come on in?"
"where are you going?"
"bukit timah"
and says,"no."

FUNNY RIGHT! and her boyfren was just standing miles away head in his hands.
ta~da. we got our cab. thanks to BRAVEST GIRL IN THE WORLD KOVA.
well well. i'm sure they got one soon too.

so there we have it. lounging in ting's living room. ting and her jack daniels. and the breezers we LOVE. dipsomanics ting and kova are.

freaked out when walking out. almost got lost. and attacked by frogs. HAHAHAAH.

almost overslept today for driving. NOW that is scary. hahah.
tuition at 8pm later. CIAO. =)

Hui Wen
6/28/2007 06:47:00 PM

a night and day of DEBAUCHERY
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
hello! fri and sat i was, in nola's words, ENERGIZERBUNNY!

woke up at 8 to give my tuition kid a lesson. and i suddenly realised that textook qns are getting harder. dang. for instance, (and i still have no clue abt this)
4x to the power of lg 5 = 5x to the power of lg 7. find x. ?????!!!!???!!!

HOW TO DO. i tortured ting kova and sinyee with this at say 5 am in the morning and none could answer it. even at 5.35pm now, after a nap, i STILL havent figured it out. and my maths is quite good ok. =)

the pt is, after that tuition, i went in search of stitch (lilo and stitch) toy for my cutesy cousin's son. AND chit chatted with him for abt 40 min abt impt issues of the world like how to spell categorise and how he has a girlfriend at the grand old age of 8. YAY! then i had to pack for ting's. and had a real dilemma as to stay and chat or go out and jog. HA. stay and chat won.

met sinyee and kova at bukit timah food centre which serves my FAV satays and satay beehoon! then hopped down to ting's after scaring a small dog with my yelp along the way.

reached ting's crazily arty farty hideout and tried to play some game which involved addition. in the end we played good ol' truth or dare with heineken, cider and barcardi. ting loves to drink. see what american schools do to you! realised that sinyee's been nursing such a CRUSH on me. HA.

vainpotted forever and we have hereby christened sinyee "THE B**B". HA. dang. we couldnt take our eyes off her. ! hopped into the cab and met ting's SAS pals. and partied the night away. not before some cam whoring though. we HAD to do sth while her frens arrived right?

kova's OFFICIALLY the bravest girl i've ever met. she got the hornbast (short form for sth sth) who looked freakin' cute. i'm not joking. though he has the MOST intense gaze and LONGEST hands to hold hands with thefriendofthegirlhe'sdancingwith. HAHAHA. free drinks. freaked out. shawn and whatshisname. indons. and kova's mysteriously named samantha. and cute indon called sth. i forgot his name. but yes he's very cute.

yay! sat was more DRINKING and more movies. i FINALLY finished watching "SHE'S THE MAN"! and watched "THE LONGEST YARD" adam sandler is so funny. hahahah. wanqi will give her first kiss to sb who looks like channing tatum, so ting's irish fren will get it. HA.

despite what happened on fri night, i still LOVE barcardi breezers. =)

hoho. salsa was quite a bitch. with the monday classmates and not so helpful SHORT male partners. i kept having my hair fingered through. though the stand-in for gupson was super NOT scary, unlike gupson who smelled so strong of colonge AND aftershave and seems like he would blacklist you FOREVER if you dare do ONE step wrong. HAHAHA.

off to tuition later. i think the money's due. yet. my credit card bill is due too.

Hui Wen
6/26/2007 05:24:00 PM

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Looking forward to MANGO ATTACK with jiale huilian charlene. apparently there's this sale. =)

Looking forward to night and day of debauchery (fri and sat) at ting's with the girls. YAY!

Looking forward to WORK next week. that's right. WORK. i need money. HAHAH. although my work's very much fast cash, i feel like i'm spending more than i earn. OR. that's really the case.

tuition with ahlian tmr. it'll be a total waste of her mum's money and my time AGAIN. with her constant going in and out of the room and talking abt my boyfren/lack of/girlfren. she's quite convinced i am either a loose slut or a lesbian. HAHAHA. reasons that i am unclear of. anyhow. i think i'm gonna drop her soon. no time to waste once school starts.

driving today. silly ahbengs who think they're so good that they can drive already. LAUGHING at me when i stopped when the light was amber (which is correct). even when i glared at them through the rear view mirror, dumbass driver cocked his brows, as if challenging me to be faster than him. GROSS. MEN CAN'T DRIVE PROPERLY. esp AHBENGS. ARGH.
when i get my ferrari he'll wet his pants when i press the accelerator. so there.

i've just started watching grey's anatomy and i'm at season 2. i think the show's nice. and i think burke's cute! HAHAHAH. this explains my brush with Mr. African from eons ago. too bad isiah washington's fired from the show. oh well.

alrighty. i'll see you guys when i see you. i learnt that from oceans 13 which rocked. I OFFICIALLY LOVE GEORGE CLOONEY, AFTER JOHNNY DEPP! =)

Hui Wen
6/20/2007 07:00:00 PM

Friday, June 15, 2007
nola and i and shuyi(nola's) and ting went for mambo on wed. it was hola and nola's VERY first mambo night in our lives. and guess what? it was also the april intake army boys' holidays. THAT'S JUST GREAT.

crowded to the limits. LONG queues at ten pm (that's like super early). only 2 measly toilet cubicles. nola got burnt by cigarette (STOP WHINING ALREADY!). puke on the dancefloor. ppl puking in ONE of the TWO measly cubicles. making mine (and many others') bladder VERY tired. drama with security forcing the loo open, leaving ONE of the TWO basins available for normal use(i.e washing your hands, NOT puking).

that's when i decided zouk mambo nights were NO fun.

the reason for all that puking? ppl who BINGE drink. it was afterall one-for-one from 9 to 12. i was there at 12 so that's pretty much when ppl who binged had their guts deciding it was OUT. HAHAH.

interesting uncles who knew EVERY move to all those mambo songs. nola and i ought to win a prize for trying. hahhaha. silly guys with "what's your name" and "hi i'm XYZ" and repeating that 100089797 times in 10 seconds. when seriously if you just said "do you want a drink" and anyone would have replied sth ("NO", included) since we were almost dying of thirst and DRINK sounds good.

cabbed back on our VERY sore feet and watched shows and were UNABLE to concentrate. we were missing EVERY single joke in THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN. took silly photos with hot models using nola's very cool macbook. fell asleep with half the mattress and awoke to aircon on FULL BLAST.

went to rjc to collect nola's certs and headed to junction 8 for cartel (we were STARVING!) did you know coffee bean has mocha ice blended EXTREME? ALL coffee powder. ROCKS MY SOCKS. it's REALLY GOOD. i even got praise from my very praise-stingy instructor when i had driving later on! rushed home after driving, quick change and off to salsa class. fun fun fun. and i HAVE to edit. my instructor's from CUBA, not puerto rico. since nola is already scolding me for wrong information! hahahah.

slept till 11 this morning. and boy. it was DEEP sleep.
oceans tmr with ting!

Hui Wen
6/15/2007 11:55:00 AM

Monday, June 11, 2007
friday saw Hui Wen turning into baker who does NOT rely on betty crocker pre-mix (though i've got to say that pre-mix rocks my socks)and baker who asks abt "why must you add butter?" "what is the pt of glazing with egg white" etc. and getting answers that are SUPER NERDY from shuyi and mich like "so that the mixture will be homogenous". WHAT ON EARTH. hahahaha. we bake like it's science class. GOSH.

tried out 2 NEW recipes and they were interesting. no pictures here since i didnt bring my camera. HAHAH. at least i know what and how to bake puff pastry now. do YOU?

then we watched mtv and house before slacking around then headed down to SENTIO to watch evelyn-who-can-dance-and-bake! saw yingying etc and caught up with her. =) nice!

sat was spent with ling and peiqian who's flying off to osaka to see deers. HAHAHA. ok la. she's some GUEST MUSICIAN. rocks like crazy. hahahah.

sun my sister flew off to vietnam on her funky discovering the world on a HUGE backpack tour. AWWW. no one for me to play with at home for TWO weeks. hahaha.

i'm waiting for my show to load so i've just typed a whole load of stuff. HAHAHA.

OH! salsa was FUN! =) nola and i got lost trying to find the place yet again. it was studiowu version 2. except that we did in the end find the class and NOT be late. =)

Hui Wen
6/11/2007 11:06:00 AM

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
whoa whoa. i feel like i'm in some health education class with shuyi's "haha jeslyn i agree with you though. all healthy 19 yr olds DONT club. haha. if you go, you'd like spontaneously increase your chances of getting lung cancer from 2nd degree smoke and what not. or get vomit on your shoes. YUCKS".

TSK. the smoke part is relevant but i figured since there's gonna be a long time to the next don't-need-to-do-anything-but-play-and-laze-around period, i shld go and have some fun. so there. STOP SCOLDING ME LA. in addition, come 1st july, there'll be the NO smoking rule in the clubs so YAY! sinyee's loverboy taka will probably quit clubbing since he smokes like 10 cigs in 45 mins. AND you can probably see if the person next to you is gonna puke then you dont be stupid and stand next to him/her LA. hahahah.

anyway, i'm supposed to google some recipes for baking day with health-education-teacher-shuyi! why did i suggest going to bake?! i must have been in the nigella-domestic-goddess mode. i CANNOT bake without the pre-mix. i BURNT my fingers in sec 1 home economics once and i have since FEARED the oven! well. well. so i shall make myself more useful by googling recipes! =)

got a face peel on monday and if u spot anyone in a pink nike cap with like sunglasses and staring at the ground as she walks-say HI. it's ME! with a face peel, it's STRICTLY NO SUN for 3 days. so i've been very much like the celebrity wannabe. HAHAHAHA.

there are so many movies i wanna watch-
1)Ocean's 13 (i have the HOTS for george clooney)
2)Shrek 3 (though i didnt watch the 2nd part)
3)Fantastic 4 (again, i didnt watch part 1 but what the heck. jessica alba's HOT!)
4)Transformers! (simply coz it looks quite fun to watch.)
5)? i've run out of movies. but FOUR can be constituted as MANY ok.

so. DATE ME for movies like NOW. =)

Hui Wen
6/06/2007 11:10:00 AM

Sunday, June 03, 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean was GREAT! why?
1) There's Johnny Depp.
2) There's Johnny Depp.
3) There's Johnny Depp.
4) There's Johnny Depp.
5) There's Johnny Depp.
6) There's Johnny Depp.
7) There's Johnny Depp.
8) There's Johnny Depp.
9) There's Johnny Depp.
10)There's Johnny Depp.
11) alright. and there was pretty alright backstabbing action going on.

those who havent watched shld stay on after the credits. i didnt catch it but my sis did.

i did NOT fall asleep though i was surviving on 5 hours of sleep after clubbing. YAY! it must be johnny depp. =)

so anyway. i got my hair cut at paragon on monday. REALLY short. my standards, at least. as you can see, my hair was REALLY long. like gonna touch my elbow. and i have pretty LONG arms. hahah.

and NOW, it is up to my underarms. so it is SHORT!
i quite like it! i dont remember having such a short ponytail. hahahaha!

got myself a Hep B booster at UWHC on tues.

wed was JIALE's birthday! had lunch at tanglin mall where i had to grab 174 from opposite hwa chong and reminded myself how fast time flies when you're having fun! hahah! then pooled at cineleisure where i proved to be GREAT. we also got ourselves HAVOCers shoes from the gisele bundchen line! hahahaha!

it was MUMMY's birthday too so i booked the scarlet from bakerzin and it was delicious! my parents LOVED it. =)

went shopping with wee on sat. got some shirts for school! HAHAAH i'm ALL set!

weeleng is a naughty girl. TSKTSK.

shopping with my sister today. and tried rice balls and gave this guy GREAT entertainment with our conversation. hahah!

got face peel and driving and tuition tmr!
salsa class with nola on thurs! i heard the instructor's puerto rican! how cool is that! that is so FETCH. (sth i learnt from Mean Girls!)
mambo next wed with nola, wee and co.! YAY!

Hui Wen
6/03/2007 11:08:00 PM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
