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APRIL in pictures
Saturday, April 28, 2007

this is an unearthly time indeed.
time for some photos to see how i spent some days of april!

hola nola after our EXCITING ISHI (aka Mr Shi) MTV class. nola is now a fan. HAHAH.

she is gonna engineer a fall/sprain/tear in her pants to attract his attention.

we do NOT think dancing very pro-ly will attract his attention.


you shld ALL go see his girl fans. SO MANY. hahaha

wanqi and i at billy bombers where we had a totally unalcoholic baileys shake and a NICE fish and chips.

did i mention she is predisposed to lesbian sights? she sees them kissing etc EVERYWHERE. and i'm super excited when i see ONE couple being touchy only. HAHAAH

yuna bong is a very naughty girl. HAHAH.

she loves 4D.


i think i'm gonna sleep! marathon tuition tmr! more like today. since it's already 1.13 am!

lovelovelovelove! =)

Hui Wen
4/28/2007 12:57:00 AM

Saturday, April 14, 2007
thurs and fri has been dancedancedance all the way!
hola nola style. hahah.
we joined studiowu for the $90 month trial.
so we HAD to make our money worth. =)
it was hip hop on thurs-where u have to do tonnes of crunches and rolls.
we've all got aches now!
MTV on fri-with the funny instructor and nola's silly remarks.
fun! i must say.
met amy and nola met her st nic's schoolmate.
went to vilage for the very 1st time since it bought over marche and copied it through and through.
hahah. food's alright i say.
nola and i were cracked up (not by coke. ! hahah) at her lousy experience at being picked up. HA. then we have my Queen of all funky pickups. HAHAH.
laughed so loudly that the auntie at the next table
who witnessed me drop a fork just by banging the table and
very nicely offered me a clean one from hers,
had to look over to see what was going on!
lotsa gossip and as usual.
we got high by ourselves. HA
maybe the green tea honey lemon is actually tequila?
i kinda said "i love you" to some angmoh along the road.
who is pretty cute alright.
then had him wave at us.
then had us taking the lift at the MRT station.
laughing like madwomen.
giving each other nice future surnames as nola heads to dublin.
affirming the fact that our sons will be named hugh.
since we LOVE that name. and if we do NOT marry a hugh. HAHAHA.
my tuitions are going well! =)
tmr i've got one class then off to hang out with wanqi and sinyee!
today my ah lian student thinks i'm like a child coz i'm so innocent.
HA. seriously.
the kinda stuff they talk abt and do are so vastly different from my experiences.
there were no fights during recess.
i didnt have a boyfriend/girlfriend to make out with in school.
NO public caning.
much less various styles of public caning.
so i learn constantly on the job. cool.
oh yes. hello michelle! HANG OUT SOON! =)

Hui Wen
4/14/2007 12:47:00 AM

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
dinner with yuna at sun with moon was fantabulous with all THAT gossip! AND we ate so little! HAHAH.
yuna's sea urchin was like 3 cm long.
i had more substantial food with 5-8 cm long unagi and TONNES of cucumber and seaweed. NICE.
we were not satisfied and decided to hike to paragon to work that off and get ourselves some dessert. HAHAH. so much for eating little.
chatted abt scandalous stuff at bakerzin over cakes and an enamoured and enchanted audience consisting of 2 15-16 year old boys. who have clearly NOT been trained in the art of listening discreetly. oh well. if they must, they shall listen to our conversation. =)
though. at one pt, when i said "the hot guy", yuna says that the boy next to me POSITIVELY turned around. HAHAHAHAA. come on'. as if i were having a crush on him?! so amusing.
tuesday was a movie marathon at gwen's place together with kitty. we watched Paris J'taime. White Skin. Click.
hahaha. the 1st 2 shows were intellectual shows. click was so funny!
MTV is fully booked for today. so reggie and i will make do with thurs-hiphop and fri-MTV, not with feroze the cool but not gay enough teacher. HAHAH.
alright. outta here for lunch. =)

Hui Wen
4/11/2007 11:52:00 AM

the LONG weekend! =)
Saturday, April 07, 2007
dear fren huilian FLEW off her bike at pulau ubin. ! hahahhaa.
so jiale and i visited her TODAY! =)
chatted. lent our ears for her whining. !
reached town and got greeted by the absolutely horrid service staff at M.A.C counter at tangs. HA. i'm complaining. i KNOW. =)
just because i was munching on chicken wings doesnt mean i WON'T buy anything from you.
since SHE-with-the green-eyeshadow thinks we aren't GOOD enough for M.A.C, FINE.
bobbi brown at taka LOVED us.
enough to make us buy enough to become their member. need i say more?
take THAT, M.A.C green eye shadow woman! HA!
though i must add i'm still a HUGE fan of mac lipbalm.
after that superduperfast and loads of $$$$ changing hands, jiale got her parents presents using her pay! =)
hung out at starbucks at paragon, chatting about EVERYTHING under the sun and then we took stock of what stuff to buy when we get our pay. =)
RUSHED to hotel pheonix for that funky 40% off on thefoodshop items. =) yay. then came the 190 ride which was jam packed!
yesterday was great fun too! gymmed at wellness village in pan pac with INTERESTING sights! HA. and set my sights on the dior mascara. =)
got my dancing studiowu gear with nola! we're soooo PREPPED for our classes! =)

Hui Wen
4/07/2007 10:29:00 PM

Relief Teacher CAI LAO SHI
Thursday, April 05, 2007
although i was supposed to be slacking at home, i guess i just am not cut out to slack so much. HAHAHA. =)
monday i went to slack with shuyi. had a late late lunch at bakerzin after she convinced me that my "sells cakes means only cakes nice, sell food then only the food will be nice" theory is not always right.
the panfried tuna salad we shared was pretty good. the iced mangoey drink was nice. the cake we shared was great too. =) then we went in search of that elusive dress she needs. talked our usual crap. hahahah. we STILL love goong! =)
tues i played enervating badminton with gwen and kitty! i made them become frens! woohoo! hahahah. my badminton's pretty good now. really. =)
wed i got called for relief teaching at my fav yew tee pri! FINALLY. hahah. i was CAI LAO SHI! still remembered how in 3Q, they came up with a name for me just because my chinese is superb. i think it is cheenapoks. ? sth like that. HAHAH.
it was crazy! all the pri 1 and 3 kids come up to me and complain! a typical convo is like this:
kid: he take my pencil and use without asking me/he beat me/she dont lend me her things/she copying my work/ETC!
me: ok. just ask her/him to apologise and forgive her/him ok? OR don't be selfish. share! =)
so irritating la!
at the end of it. i was pissed off coz i was running late for my studiowu date! so i said super fast, "i dont care! whatever. get out of my face you tiny little kids!"
NONE of them caught it! HAHAH.
today i got the call again! and i was maths/eng teacher! whoa. they should be honoured. how often do u get a oxford law- accepted relief teacher? HAHAHA. i'm such an ego-maniac!
today i was nice. like really. i impressed them with my lesson on aprostrophes. and i can't believe teaching division is so hard. they dont know their timestables! HOW TO DO LIKE THAT!
tmr i'm heading out with my mummy! and then gymming with nola at pan pac. YAYness! =) hahahah!


Hui Wen
4/05/2007 08:00:00 PM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
