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Saturday, February 24, 2007
Chinese New Year is my FAVOURITE time of the year~!
Pig out!
play with little kids!
win some money!
new clothes!
so lemme show you some cable car photos! my parents are so fun to be with! we took the cable car simply because everytime we pass by it, i will whine abt taking it! and my sis will show off! coz she took with her lover?!/girlfriend(s)!

do NOT tell me that my sister and i look alike.

we look SO different. just look at us try to strike a similar pose as we camwhore as we go bainian.
i even incorporate my bag! and my manicured nails! and my pink bling!
look at HER. just smiling sweetly for the camera. how boring eh.

Hui Wen
2/24/2007 12:48:00 AM

Thursday, February 15, 2007
HOUNDED by the kids on v day. demanding to know my date for the day and my love life. (lack of)
who refused to take "NO LOVE LIFE" as the answer, although it was the truth!
and i got asked out by SMALL kids. when i said i have no date.
and when i said i had, they demanded details.
gosh. i didnt know what to say!
the day passed soon enough though.
i RUSHED home and gymed.
tuition-the VIP, not exactly. IRRITATING, more like it. HAHAH
i wore a short skirt and top that TOTALLY went against VIP mom's WARNING of STRICTLY NO vaguely SEXY clothes i.e, no skirt above the KNEE?! no shirt with a cut below the sternum?!
ALL for my HOTDATE with my girlies-the HAVOCers. =)
went to changing appetites, exchanged LOADS of gossip and had fun! like how if u relief teach at a sec sch, u better be good-looking, to get the attention of the boys. HAHAH.
cityhall was FLOODED with couples! i had to listen to a couple smooch every 5 min on the train. welldone!
everyone was carrying FLOWERS!

i VANT too!
only because i think they make a great accessory.

so do NOT ever deliver flowers to my house. WHO can see them then?

that's kinda wrong, ain't it?
i served the last day of 6E teaching on 15/2, TOTAL DEFENCE DAY!
unless DEAR HOD OF SCIENCE, my BESTIE, is sick or ns AGAIN. =)
some camwhoring moments when i finished marking at my lightning speed, with 99.99% accuracy!

i have to walk for abt 10 min to get to the school. u know how HOT it gets when i leave at 1 pm daily?! so shades are ABSOLUTELY neccessary.
sometimes they are neccessary for the 1 min walk to mummy's car too. after all, i've got an image to keep up with. walking at 6.30am everyday is NO joke. u shld see my dark eye circles.
also, i got CHASED by the kids to OUTSIDE of the school JUST because they wanted to see my "boyfriend" drive me home!

i usually look like this when my irritating kiddos won't shut up and listen. so THREATENING EH!
However, my girls really surprised me with presents!

so i was all smiles as i LUGGED my HEAVY books and markers to the classroom located 4 floors above the staffroom. as u can see, i have an EXTREMELY busy schedule. and u thought my money was earned easily?!


in other news, i am about to be very rich. if parents of pri 6 students studying in this school read my blog.


today i had my BELATED valentine date with nola. we watched NOTES ON A SCANDAL starring Cate Blanchett and Judi Dench. really nice movie that had meaning. to think we short-listed epic movie too. HAHAH.

after watching, you'll be VERY afraid of OLD women who suddenly become ur good fren. =)


tuition was incredibly skull-numbing. (as usual)

my tuition kid really has got to study by himself. like he gave ME attitude today?! ok then. we'll all relax and stare at my un-manicured fingers.

finally he decided to switch his brain on and do the work.


i was so eager to get to the POSB cash deposit machine (AKA hola nola fav. machine on earth), then i refused a lift home in the TORRENT RAIN and got all drenched going home by myself.

all to get the chance to deposit a SMALL amt of $$$$ into my account and smile to myself as i read the receipt AGAIN and AGAIN. =) the joy of earning ur own keep is inexplicable. really. i havent been asking for money from my parents since i worked, post attachment. feels good eh. although i have my eye on a new wallet. abt 60 plus ? that's a day of sexual harrassment from my kids. well. GIMME THAT ANYTIME.

money is my fav now.



AND. after getting all drenched, i went home and washed my shoes and JOGGED!

i'm a HARDCORE cardio fan now. =) woohoo! the power of my mummy's mission.

lovin' it.


did i mention that i drank diet coke today esp coz of the caffeine? victoria beckham swears by it. she does NOT even drink plain water. coz caffeine increases ur metabolism.

so i'm STILL burping the gas now! help, NOLA!


will i drink it again? on an empty stomach?


you gotta get used to it man.


i think i sound totally like a sicko, but it really isnt that bad. diet coke actually tastes the same as normal coke! just don't drink too much at a go. small sips.


did this from sinhui's blog.

Your Reputation Is: Mean Girl
You rule through teasing and intimidation..Yet, people would give the world to be your friend

What's" Your Reputation?

have a GOOD laugh at how INaccurate it is!


tmr's Lunar New Year Eve! I LOVE CNY! =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hui Wen
2/15/2007 06:44:00 PM

Valentine's! tmr.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
tmr is Valentine's Day yet again.
I am dateless, as for the past 19 years! (alright. dateless=no love interest. actually meeting HAVOCers for dinner! don't get me wrong. i LOVE them to bits!)
not that i am craving for some love, but everyone around me seems to have it.
it's like a must-have bag/shoes/clothes/thing.
even my primary 6 class have EXCITING lineups for tmr!
it's strange, the way i attract the wrong crowd.
small pri sch kids. old men. africans. jiukong at st. james. mr. right from MOS. skinny/TOO muscular men at the gym.
free ride home from ppl i havent even said hello before. all i did was be a cheapskate and smile and say thanks.
there MUST be a reason.
am i too naughty?!
nah. that is JUST a straw.
am i too crazy?
ok. that may be correct. HAHAH.
am i too, gasp!, UGLY?!

well, that may be ugly, but it's NOT that bad right. hahaha.

anyway looks are NOT important in a relationship, i am, in my idealistic mind, inclined to think.

so if that is the case and i am withOUT love interest, i must have an EVIL heart and not-so-good looks!

not-so-good looks, yes. but evil?! GASP! i'm not evil. seriously. =)


so, am i too greedy/FAT?!


ah ha! i think we've hit the right spot.

i should be ashamed of the way i'm stuffing the nuts into my mouth.



if i were to ask my mummy this qns, in her normal mummy mode, i would be told that "THE ONE" is not here yet.

However, my mummy is on her make-Hui Wen-skinny mission, so the ans i'll get is,"GO and EXERCISE!"

HAHAHAH. =) my mummy rocks.

so since i have NO love interest,

i think i'll hit the gym tmr too, just like today.

looking like a banana in blue clothes. =)

Just wondering.

Hui Wen
2/13/2007 06:31:00 PM

Sunday, February 11, 2007
yesterday was our PEPS BEST FRIENDS AKA THE FOUR MUSKETEERS' girls' night out!
it began with me arriving fashionably late at gwen's house. we showered our host with a VIDAL SASSOON hair-styling set. =)
then gwen and i put on makeup in double time, and we were ready to rock the night away! =)
yay! the taxi ride was FULLY sponsored, as were the tickets, by GWENLYN who just got her pay and felt generous. =)
we went to st. james, despite the warnings of "BALD, FLORAL-SHIRT wearing old ahbengs". it wasnt that bad really. in fact, i found it pretty fun. =)
look! we at the bar.

we danced the night away. and had great fun. let the pictures speak for themselves.

presenting my lovelies:

Gwenlyn(who keeps pulling me onto the dancefloor)

Shurong(who keeps taking photos of me eating the nuts)

Weifang(who keeps copying what i say)

here's chillin' in the coolness of the night on the swings. evidently, they enjoyed it while i got giddy. and had to be helped down the stairs as i screamed and caught the attention of everyone else. i hate such swings. eew.

gwenlyn looking shagged as she stole some whiskey coke from me.

hoho! caught smoking?!











nah. that's just a straw. and my entry for the ahbeng shot of the night. =)

Hui Wen
2/11/2007 07:04:00 PM

Thursday, February 08, 2007
whoa. my tagboard is like a personals ad. who on earth is lyna lee? i dunno. u better look somewhere else, anonymous. =)
ethel you're ABSOLUTELY right. MONEY IS MY MOTIVATION for this stint. i'm not complaining. hahah
today i was able to escape the clutches of my treacherous pri 6 class as they had to go to Chinatown. YAY!
i got to go to NICE HARMLESS pri 5 classes and cutesy pri 2 classes. =)
today was great.
u have NO idea how GROSSED out i was on wed.
u know i wore a skirt of respectable length. then. these kids tell me they like my legs?! then they like my hair?! (not that my hair is not nice. it's NICE ok.)
then this takes the cake: "miss chua, can i be your valentine next week? SWEETIE?"
NOT cute at all.
and i confiscated this paper they were passing around the class-LEWD drawings of important parts of the human anatomy.
this isnt the harmless silly fun we had in pri sch where the WHOLE class cracked up at the mention of "DICtionary". hahah. this just WAY lewd.
tmr i've gotta face these pervs again. i'm thinking of wearing say, a curtain? no?
HAHAH. fine i'm joking.

Hui Wen
2/08/2007 03:22:00 PM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
today demonstrated the truth in this saying:
"Kids should always be seen and not heard."
Indeed, the wise person is right.
relief teaching at yewtee was a horror today.
i was hoping for the kids to come like television sets-with "MUTE" and "PAUSE" buttons. and at the very least, if nothing fancy is available, the "OFF" button.
the racket a class of 30 odd can create is beyond anyone's imagination.
to all teachers who thought my classes in the past were noisy, take a listen to my relief class.
i raised my voice, i scolded them, i STARED at them.
alas, all could only work for 10 sec.
this! i found out. is the ultimate way.
recording their names on this aptly-named paper: EXTREMELY ILL-BEHAVED STUDENTS
to be handed to their real teacher, who i heard is a FIERCE man who is a force to be reckoned with, and the DISCIPLINE MASTER.
trying to test my patience?
it has a limit.
reasonable one.
but the line was crossed with these kids.
the paper is sitting on the table in the staffroom.
already the kids have been BEGGING me to strike their names off.
i WON'T.
since i am NOT planning to hand in the paper anyway.
small kids.
i can fool them.
quite easily done.
i spent my 1ST recess alone. GASP!
i read my driving book in the room. with aircon. no kids. no noise.
well, i'm not ALL that mean. i made friends with them too. i found out abt the LOVE TRIANGLE in the class.! at what? 12 years of age. whoa.
and they KEPT asking if i was Singaporean.
what's up with that? i CETAINLY did NOT wear a ski cap there.
well that qns KEPT ON popping out. and they would NOT believe when i insisted i was Singaporean.
too boring? maybe i should just say i'm russian or sth tmr. HAHAH. and my name will be HOLA.
at least the morning session means that i can get the afternoon off. so i hit the gym today. whoa.
i'm proud of myself! =)
here's to more name-writing tmr!

Hui Wen
2/06/2007 06:57:00 PM

Thursday, February 01, 2007
Hola(me!) and Nola(nicole AKA slanted ponytail) have taken a plunge into the deep end of the sea and become SMOKERS.
it's true.
ask Vitaly, the guy with the CUTE walk.
who was snorting as he sat next to us.
our cigarette-smoke laced clothes choked him so much
that he had to excuse himself to the washroom (smoke-free one, of course)
for a grand total of 20 minutes.
my, my. later, when he saw us behind him in the afternoon, he bolted AWAY from us.
when usually he would have made some SMALL conversation.
on a completely side note, i saw a really cute guy at the cash deposit machine today. i DID NOT mean to initiate conversation, but i really didnt know if i could use my card to do the cash deposit of my tuition money. so i just asked him. he's nice. nice. nice. nice. both of us had queued in the wrong one. apparently they swopped the machine coz one was out of order. well well. so irrresponsible!
so i spent my whole walk back home trying to balance my accounts. YAY. all's in order. now awaiting money from tuition agent. =)

Hui Wen
2/01/2007 09:36:00 PM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
