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Grand Hyatt
Saturday, January 27, 2007
hello! fresh from my ROMANTIC TRYST with my Dubai hottie! =)

ok i was lying.

lemme do that again: I'm fresh from my GIRLY-GIRL stayover at the Hyatt with shumichsam! =)
it was funnnnn! come on, shuyi and i had a SWIMMING competition at like 2.30am. without freezing our asses off. how cool is that?

in other news, sam got stuck to the flat plasma tv (reminder to shuyi: NOT touch-screen)!

we also found the pillow-stealer in us-SAM. TSK. she steals pillows like nobody's business. lucky for me, i hugged mine SOOOO tight that sam couldnt even lay her finger on it. HAHAHAH.

michelle, shuyi and i went into the room and michelle made a RUN for the bathtub. she wanted to sleep there. so shuyi and i HAD TO choose the nice comfy bed. well. we're good frens.

dinner was at pete's place. but silly us forgot abt making reservations and we had to eat some toastbox at wisma as we waited for our table. the peanut toast is so cute! hahaha. but i still like my traditional kaya one!

we were stuffed silly at pete's. there was calamari, pizza, linguine with clams, codfish, dessert! my stomach skin was being tested for its elasticity. whoa.

Also, we were almost stuck in the lift and i think we gave the security guards a great time with our antics like the MILLION ways we tried to put the access card and how i took in copious amounts of oxygen everytime shuyi opened the lift door. actually, we were in the wrong wing. HAHAHAHA.

we had soooo much fun. here's us this morning. we took this while watching GOONG.

we're looking incredibly spectacled. HAHAHA.

so here's a more glam one. of HUI WEN THE MODEL. i hear u laughing. STOP IT. when i'm like supermodel u all will be begging me for front row seats. HAHAHAHA.

alrighty. presenting our sponsor for the room-SHUYI!

sammy-my bedmate!

mich and i! we were waiting for shuyi to shower!

i love my girlies! seeya!

Hui Wen
1/27/2007 09:04:00 PM

Thursday, January 25, 2007
today's gymming session got cancelled! coz my SUPER BUFF FEMALE (SBF) trainer decided it was not a good time. i was ALREADY on the train with my gymming gear. so heavy ok. in the end, my SBF and i went to the smu concourse for some bazaar they have. i got a couple of cute things! like really cute. =)
then SBF and i went to outofthepan at raffles city to have crepe and dessert. i also received a lecture from SBF about how NOT to eat white bread and how to mix in the healthy rice along with the normal rice. cool right! then SBF and i went to Accessorize to buy super cute HALF-PRICE stuff. =)
tmr's the FUNKY Grand Hyatt stay! woohoo! so fun! =) we've got the schedule planned! my DUBAI boyfren and i are gonna have sooo much fun! right, huilian and jiale? =)
dinner yest with huilian and jiale at sun with moon was incredibly fun! talked sooooo much! and exciting stuff too. i think i can be an ACTRESS. either that or huilian is soooo easy to bluff. here's
the episode:
huilian: why we walk outside? take underpass.
jiale: here the air is fresher.
h: city air is fresh?! u crazy.
me: of course. jiale's going LSE. she's learning to smoke. just socially of course.
h(TOTALLY FLABBERGASTED): SMOKE? u crazy? u'll get addicted!
me: addicted? no. it's cool and HOT STUFF to smoke while u club in the uk! (as i raise my brows and retort)
h: huh? (raises her voice) female smokers are so unhealthy! they are GROSS.
at this point, huilian flashes us the "i'm truly apalled to have such frens" look! and jiale and i were bursting with laughter! ohman. huilian is so funny.
today tuition went well! i was PROPERLY-ATTIRED re: berms with shirt. COVERED SHOES even. i'm so proud of myself. =)
i'm starting to TRAIN for fencing again. really. nola's already called mark and juliana. good for losing weight. =) and getting fit. and for my blade to burnt the piste. HAHAHA. we're apparently going for the team event 2 weeks later. joke. joke. i hope i can still hold my sabre. it's not THAT rusty right! now, to locate my fencing bag. i'm pretty excited by the prospect. guess watching the novices on sun made me wanna don the EXTREMELY hot suit again. fencing makes me get some muscles back. HAHAHA. so fun. i'm really kinda excited. woohoo!
alrighty. my sidney sheldon book is calling me! seeya!

Hui Wen
1/25/2007 11:10:00 PM

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
sunday was a great day! went to vivocity and got myself nice skinny jeans from forever21. quite cheap! (i can hear u, shuyi; ur silly jeans cost 30 bucks. FINE. WHATEVER. hahahah)

the funny thing is, i met wanqi who was spinny and all drunk shopping in the store! HAHAHA. she was reeking of alcohol! lucky my mummy didnt smell it! if not she'll wonder abt the company i keep!

on mon and today, jeslyn and i attended the conference by HMPD's visiting professor and we were treated to a WHOLE day of tea, lunch, tea and VIP treatment (almost!) ! hahahah
it was great! learnt abt probiotics and stuff.

tmr i'm catching a movie with nola and then TUITION and then dinner with huilian and jiale! =)
everytime i wanna complain abt my tuition work, i think of sinhui and i am TRULY impressed by her 3 jobs at the same time life. HAHAHA. so i shall not complain and i shall try to enjoy the LONG walk to the girl's house.

Hui Wen
1/23/2007 07:17:00 PM

Saturday, January 20, 2007
today i got picked up by a bunch of sec sch kids. how VERY annoying. then tuition, the tuition mum told me my skirt was too short. WHAT on earth is that. she added that my perfectly respectable zara black shorts were too short too. whoa. she thinks i'm turning her kid on. SIAO. i wouldnt even look at him twice if i had a choice. HAHAHAHA
i have a revenge plan: i'll turn up in long pants and COVERED shoes and a turtleneck and then complain to her that it's too warm for me to teach. HAHAHAHAH =)
alrighty. enough of complains. i'm off to sleep and tmr's skinny jeans hunting day. SHUYI! i WILL find NICER ones than your 30 plus dollars steal. HAHAHAH
Hui Wen

Hui Wen
1/20/2007 11:46:00 PM

Ting! outings
Monday, January 15, 2007
my FAVOURITE ARTIST in the world, Ting, was back in town for a whirlwind 2 week visit from Wesleyan in the states. =)

so we hung out at Sun with Moon at Wheelock Place! i LOVE that place! i mean the food's nice and the ambience is great! there's this really nice japanese lady captain too. Look at one of our yummy dishes. the rest i forgot to take photos coz i was too caught up eating!

yummy eh! =)

the dinner company was GREAT! =) sinyee and ting! wanqi couldnt make it. TSKTSK!
ting told us really EXCITING stories! hahahahahaha so promiscuous.

here's us during dinner!

end of our dinner date! and it was party mood for fri! =)

after braving the rain and the treacherous hike up The Hillside, i reached ting's place and saw the girls putting on all that makeup on. VAINPOTS. i merely took a small mirror and put on some eye makeup. =) hahahah

here's us, in our ready-to-party mode!

sinyee and i! ting and i!

picked up taka, this japanese-korean dude from kim seng road and off to MOS! =) party party! scandalous things!

at the end of the night, we're tired! but! not before some customary SMOKEY photos.

see my favourite artist mistaking me for some hot guy she wants!

after a pitstop at a petrol kiosk for some green tea and food, we were all ready for bed! and girlish gossip! =)

off to watch BORAT jon burnt for me/read jon's jeffrey archer book! THANKS to JON, i kinda cleaned out his latest entertainment stuff! hahahah! =) i'm sure u're having fun in NS! =)

Hui Wen
1/15/2007 08:44:00 PM

Sunday, January 14, 2007
hiya! i had an exciting, fun-filled week! newborns are really adorable! =)

i met up with so many ppl for dinners and i had a lot of fun!
mon: sinhui's birthday dinner-we treated.
tues: class dinner at hard rock cafe. the food is not nice!
wed: dinner with ting and sinyee at sun with moon with GREAT food!
thurs: home dinner! yummy!
fri: had my basic driving test! passed it! went to give tuition in the rain and ended up super wet.
then went to party with ting, sinyee and ting's SAS fren, some japanese-korean dude! it was a really cold night!
However, i had a great adventure! like 1) i turned this hot angmoh baldie on with my gross hoarse voice, only to have him think i'm lesbian with ting coming from behind to hug me at the bar. TSK. i was gonna get my free beer! hahahah
and OTHER things happened. i'll tell ya all in person. too funny to say here! since i have a stalker in the form of FLORENCE who reads my blog! CONGRATS TO UR SILVER! proud of u eh, your NICE senior. =)

seeya around dudes. HAHAH

Hui Wen
1/14/2007 10:24:00 PM

Sunday, January 07, 2007
to evelyn, wanqi, yuna and CYNICAL others, hahahahaha
i am really good with children! seriously. impressed? =)
i think my talent surfaced when my cousins' kids decided they liked playing with me, more than with my sister. hahaha. and now. i think i have perfected this skill.

according to my sister, it's my long hair. but. her hair is long now. and today's luncheon showed that hair length is not the crux.

to those who wanna learn my skill, i looking at you wanqi, i think the KEY is not to be very nice to them. really. like when i play with my cousins' brood, i am mean. i snatch their toys and don't give back till they're abt to cry. HAHAH. i deliberately NOT lose to the kids, unlike others who will deliberately lose to the kids. and i scolded amanda, my pet from the p 3 class so many times, but she still attempts to tickle me! talk abt courage. hahahah
i think it's the thrill of playing with someone who is challenging. like how the theory goes that women fall for the bad boy and that good guys finish last. maybe it's true then. HAHAH =)

so. try my method when u deal with kids next time. and tell me if this works. *wink*

Hui Wen
1/07/2007 10:14:00 PM

Friday, January 05, 2007
today i returned to attachment at SGH. to be greeted by a very late jon and jeslyn who was ill and thus a no-show.

so i told jon my relief-teaching stories! here are selected interesting parts

1) i was a baby pooh bear, according to a primary one boy!
2) this cute eurasian boy decided that i shall be the target of his affections. i got love letters from him. HAHAHA. how cute. if only he were like 10 years older...!
3) i was ms popular when all the kids decided they wanted me to be recess-buddy.
4) i really can think of the silliest, most embarrassing forfeits in the world.
5) a primary 4 boy decides that i am getting married.
6) i was ms popular again when teachers decided they wanted to have recess with me.
7) ETC.

hahahahhaha it's so funny that i MUST tell ppl face to face.

and today! i saw the HOTTEST doctor in the hospital. this dirty blond american doctor and his buddies sat behind us for lunch! before i could pretend to fall down and get CPR (HAHAH!) from dr. hottie, jon-that-polar-bear-who-ruins-hotdate, decides to announce that it was time to go! oh man! i wonder which dept dr. hottie is from...! =)

Hui Wen
1/05/2007 08:29:00 PM

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
hello! i woke up this morning and these muscle aches which were almost as bad as those i got after a crazy fencing training. so my gym trip had to be postponed. so much for being hardcore eh. but i really couldnt go. i cant even haul myself down the stairs properly. so there. justified! =)

and to evelyn: yes the stars were pretty, when i found it novel. then the stars became really dark and i felt like puking! and i fell into the changing room's sofa and just saw the lockers spinning around. hahahha. so maybe i'll go for another session too! to see the hottie trainer and less stars, i hope. hahah =)

today's relief teaching at yew tee pri sch was quite fun! i mean i kinda remembered how i felt when i was a pri sch kid! esp when i saw the prefects! and the small QUIET sweet pri 1 girls (much like myself when i was still a QUIET girl in pri 1. ) hahhaaha pri 1 children are soooooooooooooooooooooo cute. really. but not pri 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and beyond. they are IRRITANTS then. hahahaah

so i spent the day playing nanny, keeping them in check and playing hangman with the pri 3 and 4 kids. i think hangman's the IT game for pri kids now. they were so excited to hear these words from my mouth,"let's play hangman."

and all the stereotypes of schoolkids appeared. the teacher's pet wannabe and the noisy boy and the quiet kid. hahahah quite funny. i am quite a nice teacher, if i may say so myself. hahahha i only raised my voice a couple of times, before groaning to myself, a little to loudly, " oh my god. SO freaking noisy. SHUT up." then i will catch myself and smile sweetly at the kids. oh man. i am a good actress. hahahahahahahaha

=) another relief teacher day tmr. i shall get myself a nice book to read. =)

Hui Wen
1/03/2007 09:24:00 PM

HAPPY 2007!

hello! HAPPY 2007! =)

i'm not one for fireworks at esplanade by squeezing with crowd nor the party at clubs on such occasions, so i spent new year's eve at home. =)

new year's day was spent with gwenlyn and weifang, my pri sch besties! and i got a LOVELY cute dress for chinese new year! =) love to talk to them! so fun! we must hang out again.

and 2 jan-i went GYMING at pan pacific with nola and andre! nola and her personal trainer! i got another trainer! hahaha he's quite cute and hot. and made me work out super hard, like the only exercise i get now is walking around the wards and taking the stairs at MRT stations. hahahah so today after my vigorous sets, i SAW stars. and i dont mean my head spun due to the hottie. i LITERALLY saw stars. i ALMOST fainted. so scary. i went to the ladies and just rested. before long, nola got sent by hot trainer to check on me. hahaha

ok so minor scare, then we had a shower and i emerged with the world's UGLIEST tube dress in the form of the pan pacific towel. hahaha

i was well enough to go shopping. got a top from topshop! =)
then zara! and finally a yummy healthy dinner at cedele for healthnuts nola and hola! =)

i'm so hardcore now. i've decided to go gyming tmr. =) seeya all!

Hui Wen
1/03/2007 12:26:00 AM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
