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Class Party!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
we held our class party at jon's on the 30th!


only some ppl adhered to the theme like evelyn and matheus (our best dressed winners!)
look! here's matheus looking all p. diddy-ish and evelyn looking all ciara-ish.

and there was the usual girly girls who ADAMANTLY decided they shall not follow the theme. TSK. nvm. i still love you all. =)

sherlene here. i was trying to look shorter! and in the end i look so clownish! i've never taken a photo and looked so interesting before. HAHAH.

the wonderful organisers! (ooh! isn't that me in there?)

after a round of games and drinks and deciding what to do and playing silly music and talking crap. we landed in jon's basement watching moulin rouge! =)

slept in the sofa in the living room before it got stolen by ming chuan. and off i went to the basement to colonise joel's leg space. got myself some breakfast by asking jon to get them for me. and after a round of silly card fortune telling, i was on the way home in my daddy's car.

meeting weifang and gwen tmr. so exciting! =) =) =) =)

let's play "SPOT HUI WEN IN THE PHOTO" game.

Hui Wen
12/31/2006 09:35:00 PM

Christmas Day! Part 2
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
thanks to blogger. i can't upload so many photos at a shot. so i HAVE to break this into parts.

so anyway. NEXT up, we prepared pasta! we had penne and linguine for folks to choose from! frying it was hard work. look at us!

weeleng frying, ethel frying and I marinating the chicken fillet!

told u it's hard work. i needed a back massage! =)

finally our meal was done! =)

i have to admit not all were cooked by us. but the NICEST were cooked by us.after a hard day's work, we get to eat! =)

we were so stuffed! and had red wine and log cake! and it was all great fun! =) considering how wee and i know next to nothing abt cooking. and how the 3 of us, with very interesting links got together to play! hahaha =)

Hui Wen
12/26/2006 03:05:00 PM

Christmas Day! Part 1

hello! Merry Xmas! =)

Christmas was spent trying to be a jamie oliver at weeleng's place. it was just sth we decided to do on a whim since she's got this dinner thing at her place. so we went off to get ingredients and the following conversation happened:

wee: we need to get the salad sauce
me: oh yea. just get the dressing.
wee: ok. the coleslaw?
me: no. the italian dressing.
wee: only have thousand island and i dont like it. it's sour.

so we decided to get the coleslaw. but we dunno how to make a salad?! hahah so i decided to call my very domesticated, mother of one, ethel wong to ask for directions.

ethel: oh. u need the nestle cream and milk to make the salad.
me: huh? what cream. dressing can a not?

finally. we invited ethel to come and PLAY. hahha and we realised we got the WRONG kinda sauce. and we marched down to the supermarket and got the sauce ethel deems alright.

in the end, the salad looked like this.

it's really yummy and i'm not boasting. weeleng's relatives LAPPED up the salad. they LOVED it.

and i decided to try making some rice krispies, like those we made at shuyi's house for siyuan's party. this is the FIRST time i'm making it-and on my own too. so. i kinda burnt the pot.

there was wee's lovely maid to clean up, fortunately. hahah. and silly wee added TOO much water and this resulted. the bottom layer is still yummy, coz i didnt add so much water.

Hui Wen
12/26/2006 01:55:00 PM

Eve of Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 24, 2006

had an outing with my girls-wanqi (aka xiao chen) and ling (aka xiao hong). went to marina square where they looked on as i picked out some keychains for my sis' FRENS. hahaha i'm such a sweetheart to my sis. and presents for my HAVOCERS.
and a hat! for myself- for bad hair days. and for the looking bling bling hip hop. hahahaha !
so after the shopping was done. we had dinner at cartel. look at my healthy choice. with chilli
flakes that were so scorching.

gossiped! and took photos! HAHAH the usual stuff.

and that's wanqi wearing my comfy white-as-snow marciano jacket. hahah

and we walked along esplanade talking abt IMPORTANT things in life and wanqi decided to take a photo of me with wind in my hair (but i think i look like i'm drunk)

we caught EIC performing at esplanade and here's mr siva. and his band. they were good.

Alrighty! have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! =)

Hui Wen
12/24/2006 05:09:00 PM

Friday, December 22, 2006
hahahah. funny things when i talk to yuna. she's been MIA since after exams. i miss her. =) and she knows me so well man. hahah here's sth i did. hahah after she told me abt it. hahaha it's funny.

told u it's funny. suddenly i feel like tarzan.

anw. 4/9 outing was fun! =) felt so girl-schoolish AGAIN! =)
my class! well 17 of them at least.

had really silly candid shots like these

hahah. and the CUSTOMARY cam-whoring with the owner of the camera. i just whisked her camera off to take photos that are un-candid. like THIS!

and our conversation on the train was sooooo x-rated. hahah all yanzhen's fault. and we found kitty to be a girl FULL of testosterone. hahahaha

we gotta have more outings! =)

tmr i'll meet wanqi and ling! my DARLINGS!

Hui Wen
12/22/2006 03:47:00 PM

American Club
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
outing at the American Club was fun-all that food. about say 200 +++ for 6 of us. and COMPLETELY FREE. the lava cake was yummy. =)
jealous? wanna join us? wanna get to know jon? =) jeslyn and i are self appointed matchmakers for jon, so get past our test first. hahahahaha. we had a little get-to-know session at delifrance today. the content of our talk is confidential. hahahahah

so, back to the outing. I AM THE QUEEN OF POOL. just ask tubby and jon. they LOST terribly at jeslyn's and my hands. the QUEEN (aka me) shot in like 2/3 shots at one go k. and they tried to make things difficult for us, but no. PRO me still can win. =)

and my hands are aching a little from bowling. hahaha. AND we played I NEVER at the poolside. so exciting man. all the guys are super chee ko pek. TSKTSK. tubby is a promiscuous boy. TSKTSK.

i got myself a tuition job. say hello to the working Hui Wen. =)
how cool is that, i can actually walk to my tuition student's house!
i got 2 surprises in my gmail today. so exciting. one yesterday and one just now. hahah. =) =)

Hui Wen
12/20/2006 06:52:00 PM

Monday, December 18, 2006
hello! attachment was fun on thurs and fri. and today was really slow. hahahaha i got a free nice yummy intellectual lunch with the team on thurs and a free hydrating drink on fri! today. i got a free yummy high tea from jon's mum. not bad. i think i actually save money by getting all these free stuff. hahahahaha. which is impt. as i have no income now. and i spend a lot. i just got myself a new guess bag. i LOVE it! i HAD to get it! =)

i got a guess top(on 50% discount, no less!) too. u see, these buys are inevitable! =)

we're gonna play at the american club tmr! with...... the siyuan with "boyish charm" and "manliness" (i quote him). hahahah sounds fun right! it's all becoz my doctor has operation stuff tmr and he's too busy to bother abt me. hahahaha ok i can entertain myself. =)

so exciting right! what is more. there's a PARTY on 30 Dec at JON's igloo. from 6 pm till late! theme is BLING BLING and HIP HOP. =) wanna get inspiration on the attire? watch mtv. hahaha up for grabs are "BEST DRESSED" and "BEST FOOD", so better put in effort ok. we WILL check ur attire before u can enter the party. so cool right, like clubbing. =)

ok i will post photos of the outing tmr! if i take nice shots. hahaha =)

Hui Wen
12/18/2006 09:03:00 PM

Check out this slideshow of the night before!
Saturday, December 09, 2006

i'm so IT-savvy! hahahahah

note: the only reason the photos are only of nola and i was because: we didnt wanna risk looking like we were picking ppl up. hahaha that's so not cool right.

go to my previous post to read abt the night!

Hui Wen
12/09/2006 09:06:00 PM

Fabien's birthday party @ MOS

hello! just had an energising 2 hour nap after an enervating night!
birthday boy and party host was nola's bro-fabien! nola and andre got him a ck ponyhair bag which is gorgeous. VERY metro indeed. i'm chipping in too! met nola @ her place and we vainpotted for a while before we all got fetched to mos. it was funny to see her parents waving goodbye as if we were visiting the zoo! hahah

we cut VIP queue and i actually got asked to show my id! hahahaha i must have looked really young yesterday! to think the 1st time i clubbed i was one of the few who didnt get checked. well. went into the cubicles and had some drinks before moving into the smoove room where the music was gross. at 12 am. later it became good and we had helluva good time!

1) NEVER ever ask sb to dance with you, unless you're a girl or you're smoking hot. hahahaha
this girl asked me to dance with her fren ( not smoking hot) and i said no immediately. oops. how paiseh for us all.
2) get all lesbiany to shake off the random gyrating guy around you! hahahah i think it's like 11 on a scale of 1 to 10 for turn-off meter.

anw! as we cam-whored towards the end of the night, we kept getting angmohs who were astonished that we were trying to take photos ourselves. and they INSISTED on taking for us! like grabbing my camera from my hands and trying to get us to pose. wow. talk abt being friendly. we would have asked them to join us, IF we were slutty. hahaha finally i told this aspiring photog we WANTED to do this ourselves. hahah u guessed it right. he's not really hot.

the highlight of the night! we saw jade cole of america's next top model, the show which i am like no. 1 fan of! she's hot hot hot hot hot. her black boyfriend was hot hot hot hot hot and shiny too. hahahahah

took a taxi back to nola's place before sleeping in a jacket and being oblivious to the fact that i smell like a cigarette. slept till 12 and had lunch with nola's family, a very friendly and nice one! and went home on train. i almost got into the wrong train! hahahah i didnt know raffles place MRT had 2 floors.

tata! =)

Hui Wen
12/09/2006 08:40:00 PM

Midnight in Manhattan
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Prom was fun! for photos go to my photobucket link alrighty.
hair and make up was done at vive salon at paragon. that place's really quite good-M.A.C makeup and hairstyling was cool. i spent such a long time there! i'm now inspired to get brown eye shadow for an "intense" look. hahahahah

anw i took a taxi to swisshotel where it was pouring buckets. and made my way up to the room. where i was greeted by "oh my god" etc. thanks man. so not welcoming. TSKTSK.
at least sam and michelle were normal. hahah here's us!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

everybody looked great like gwenlyn my chummy from primary 3!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

my clique from RJC 3Q! i LOVE these girls. they make classes fun! who can forget our crazy antics!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

photos galore on photobucket! here's much love from the girls
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

shuyi and i were crazy as usual. so here's a peek at what we were doing along the hotel room corridor, with giggles that freaked lizhan out. hahah he has a dirty mind really. shuyi and i were just having fun. hahahaha.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

i think we look hungry and tired. wrong effect!

yiling has a really cool photo of us in the club. shall wait for her to send to me! meanwhile, here's mine.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

ok, i'm quite tired after the clubbing. nola shuyi(nola's shuyi) and i slumped at the couches.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

ok gross i know.

spent the morning after waiting for macs to open. how silly. hahaha. and learning all abt yiling's paparazzi inclinations and Sherlene's Slutty Service-they serve, they satisfy, they satiate. eeeww. hahahahah ok quite crappy eh. wait till u check out yiling's photographs.

ok! now send me ALL the photos with me in it please. i want to see. =)

Hui Wen
12/06/2006 06:59:00 PM

Saturday, December 02, 2006
aloha folks!

these days have been spent reading really hilarious chick lit. and watching AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL cycle 6. the one i didnt catch at all. hahaha i'm like addicted to it. i even have the theme playing in my head, along with tyra bank's "last week _(insert name of model-wannabe)_ had to leave etc..." hahaha i know. i'm addicted baby.

hahaha and i am MORE than ever convinced to turn skinny. hahaha as if it's by a click of fingers. really. hahaha watching this rocks. then after that go jogging. talk abt motivation.

shopping with jia leeeeeeee and charlene was fun. more like the silly chatter we have. hahaha and i got myself the kinda jeansy top i wanted. yippee! at a fraction of the price of the first one i saw. yea baby. hahaha

i was on the train today. this scene was sooooo cute. this tall, hunky, tan guy was playing with his nieces. like he was so sweet. he let them bully him. awwwwwww. sweet. sweet. a great guy is one who's good with children. hahahaha cool. hahaha and yes i'm nice to children also ok. i know what u are thinking, "like Hui Wen u think u are good with children eh?" hey hey. all my nieces and nephews love me ok.

hahaha ok off to do my own little manicure and continue with my chick lit.

Hui Wen
12/02/2006 09:56:00 PM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
