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Last Day of School!
Sunday, October 08, 2006

School was a blast, mainly coz we didnt do anything! cam whoring was at an all time high. pictures like

and for more normal photos

did i say "normal"?

ok presenting my buddies shuyi and sam

who look exactly as they are-silly! hahahaah

and mich who wasnt as silly as them. =)

and i learnt how to use the self timer! hahaaha here's evidence of my genius

my girlies! =)=)=)=)
including evelyn who i didnt know how to talk to in j1! hahahaha confession!

finally, my class! with Ms. Lim!

with Mr. Koh

love ya all! =)

Hui Wen
10/08/2006 01:50:00 PM

Thursday, October 05, 2006
Greetings everyone. I'm on a Speak-the-Queen's-English campaign now. everyone stop me if u hear "u know" "as in" "like" when they are used in the bimbotic context. =)

alright. today i showed shuyi and co. how my knowledge of star wars is as good as paris hilton's. here's how.

shuyi: " you know orlando bloom in kingdom of heaven (insert glowing adjective of mr. bloom) and his co-star liam neeson. he's the __________ from star wars."
me: "the who?"
shuyi: "he's a jedi."
me: "oh! what colour is he? like what colour is his light sabre?"
shuyi: (with a astonished look! and turns to tubby) "TUBBY! HUI WEN ASK WHAT COLOUR THE JEDI IS?!!!!"

now, at this time. i really didnt know what was wrong with my ans. i mean really. they fight with different colours right? but now i know the good guys are red light sabre and the bad, black light sabre.

hahahah. and i proceeded with more embarrassing star wars lack of knowledge. i told shuyi i watched parts of star wars 4-6. like, you know the one with the princess with like 2 buns?

ok school's been pretty alright. tmr's the last formal day though.

before my above-mentioned campaign overwhelms me, for the last time, hear bimbotic hui wen speak.
this post is like so so so so random. you know it's those i just wanna update kinda entry. but i've got nth to say. as in it doesnt flow properly. yea. alrighty! seeya all in school tmr!

Hui Wen
10/05/2006 07:11:00 PM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
