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Marina South Outing
Saturday, March 25, 2006
hello! the outing yesterday was quite fun larh hahah.

so we reached at 3 and went to play bowling which was alright. given that i got a strike and spare. hahah and ppl! i did NOT smile at the guy there so that he would help me make the last pin fall by maybe adding more wind or sth. hahah oh so sam silly-ly lost her bets with marcus and now owes him 2 drinks. hahah silly girl. and marcus u shld join the left-hander club. not bad. hahahah sam u can never join the left-hander club. tsktsk

and arcade was fun! i was leading in daytona ok.then some idiot gave my car a terrible accident. hahah and the next round (which we played for free, thanks to sam) saw my car moving in reverse as ppl drove their laps! ah! then there was some dunnowad machine to press and there's red blue green buttons. michelle is super good at it larh. i think she can be an arcade ah lian. hahah so arcade was quite fun.

and on to food. it was really kinda dirty and all. and u had to cook it yourself. well now I appreciate Coca restaurant for its clean n nice ambience steamboat. hahah but really i'm a good cook. i'm the next jamie oliver! =) and there was some live prawn drama. charity is kinda sick. she ENJOYS skewering LIVE prawns as they squirm. talk about having fun. now u know. charity likes such fun. hahah ok she wasnt alone. jon our resident polar bear had fun too. but well polar bears like them raw so he wasnt as good as our charity. hahah

so after stuffing ourselves with food, sam marcus and i went to join guangmian siyuan lizhan tubby mingchuan who were Sn2-ing at a scenic lovers' spot. hahah so lizhan tried to freak me out by calling me and saying, "i cant...hear...you..." and in the backgrd telling siyuan,"stop being so rough!" ooh hanky panky. hahah and really the walk in was quite freaky. so dark and really dark larh. and had like ducks?! in the lake! hahah and so i got nervous and decided to eat my peach mints. which became marcus' ketamine and lizhan's morning-after pills. hahah so crappy but yea.

so we finally reached the spot n wanted to scare them but my shoes were a bit loud. hahah and lizhan n siyuan were lurking in the trees trying to scare us. but no they didnt succeed. hahah n lizhan welcomed us by telling us how many mosquito bites he got. thanks a lot lizhan. i was wearing a skirt and yes i got the mosquito bites. that place is so totally unromantic. hahah n while tubby n i were trying to have a heart-to-heart talk, paparazzi in the form of justin and his powerful camera flash descended upon all of us taking wad must be unglam shots. hahah so we decided to leave n the stupid bus bypassed our bus-stop. ok so we talked abt really crappy stuff and siyuan my going home partner had to freak me out with the entire story of saw. ewww. ok

yay! end of a long long long post. hahah =)

Hui Wen
3/25/2006 09:32:00 AM

V for Vendetta

hello everyone!
V for Vendetta= Very Very sexxay mysterious man
in a black cape with a sexayyy voice
and super good killing skills.
hahah ok my movie review isnt so short. right, v is pretty cool with some interesting ideas and what the movie is trying to say is quite true. and well there's loads and loads of nazism in there so tubby u will like it. hahah and the fight scenes are matrix-like thanks to the matrix brothers who are the producers and i think, the directors.
throughout the movie sam n i were talking about how cool V is! hahah seriously, a killing machine like man with a sexy voice is way way way cool. hahah i seem to like all the supposedly weird ppl in movies. like the phantom of the opera, i thought the phantom was really sexy and cool and nice and christine that silly woman should have gone for him instead of some guy with mop-like hair. awww. hahah and V in the movie is like some romantic renaissance man! ah! so nice! hahah oh oh he can fence well too. ooh that's cool!
to end off my movie review, here's a quote from V's fav movie: "You find your own tree!" hahah u have to watch the movie to understand. =)

Hui Wen
3/25/2006 09:23:00 AM

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
hello! while i was away, stuff appeared in my tagboard that doesnt make sense at all! who on earth is BERT???? and tubby i wanna complain. how can u link me as hui wern?! stop making me so R-coloured! hahahah go change now!

alrighty. must study! hahah oh i think my palate for songs is really sleazy. i like really dig sleazy songs. hahah i like hips dont lie by shakira! i like sean paul a lot. i think all that weird latino sean paul-ish accent is way cool! hahah sexxayy! tub go and download! exp the one with santana joss stone n sean paul! then i can listen! hahah

and yes i make a real good playmate for little children! =)

and on the last day of term 1, i made an entire j1 class stop their knowledge n inquiry class just to find a pink bunny file (read: yiling's file) hahah. hilarious. ask me about it when u see me. i must act it out! hahah

ok ciao! =)

Hui Wen
3/15/2006 10:02:00 PM

Thursday, March 02, 2006
Rules: Tagged person must come up with 8 points about their perfect lurver. must include the sex of ur lurver. (hahah!)

hahah super touched! my pri sch darling shurong actually tagged me! hahah touched touched. so anw here goes:

1) humourous

2) tall(er) than me! =)

3) a nice person-as in not wicked and evil and mean to others. hahah some jokes here n there at ppl is fine but pure evil is a no-no!

4) athletic (i mean i really want my boyfren to be one who can run n enjoy sports. hahah)

5) knows n loves all my flaws! hahah

6) filial

7) be a smooth-talker! hahah but not so that he can get more girls. =)

8) give in to me! hahah

so fast eight alrdy?! ok now i wanna tag

  • bong
  • jiale
  • huilian
  • wanqi


Hui Wen
3/02/2006 09:54:00 PM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
