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Feeling nostalgia! =)
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
hello everyone! had a good day?

anw i was reading yuna's blog and the part about nanyang is just soooo true!
i went to read my autograph book, btw it is a really cute winnie the pooh book which my sis got for me, and all the entries from my darling 4/9 ppl are super hilarious! so here's some mush for my darlings!

bong(aka mrs torres, mrs won) and charlene(aka toady mushroom mrs hung) : hey! you 2 were the first 2 to write in my book! and there was sooo much rubbish! hahah whoever likes to go the funky-nice ambience-great mirror-fantastic privacy-clean-science block toilet?! i only go there OCCASIONALLY. =) anw we were like the funkiest coolest MOST DEMURE and nicest trio in class! =) it was so much fun! i really miss ya all! its great that we still hang out and play and still bump into each other in school! =)

huilian: u lazy pig never write. nvm i still see u all the time hahah! =)

jiale: my darling jialeeee! i have yet to submit my shopping list to u! anw u are my wonderful fren from all the way back in sec 1!!!! i want the christmas party! i want the mahjong party! i want the sleepover! =)=)=)=)

wee/barb/kitty/chiewy: my darlings from 4/9! u guys are sooo cool! u made my 4/9 days soo super fun, in addition to all that fun the entire 4/9 gave me! and i miss all the jokes we have! all the jokes where barb will act/direct by herself! and how we laugh at all the er-hem jokes! =) oh yea! remember the pool outing? hahah

wanqi(aka anna k) : my funky CO fren! can u believe it? we met in co! we're like so un co! hahah anw knowing u was the best thing from co! hahah and all our silly talk and our diet plan and our funny enthu msging! i miss ya! we must go out after ur taiwan yea! buy me the biscuits yea! hahah =)

sinyee: my funky co fren from like pri sch! hahah u stalker follow me from peps to ny 1/6 and to co! hahah but u're so cute! i always get to read ALL ur msgs! =) rite, wanqi? hahah anw we must go play soon!

liuting: the woman who is sooo artistic and taught me a lot of interesting stuff! and oh yea! we watched pirates of the caribbean together! johnny depp rox! =) so funky! u went to SAS! and u always take 10 years to reply to my msgs! naughty!

ling/pq: my sec 2 frens! i luv ya all! we must go out soon! remember when we used to sit sooo near! it was so fun!

last but not least, my pri sch darlings-gwenlyn, shurong, weifang!
yay! we are going out on the 21st! so fun! we have gone out n played every year ! i really enjoy ur company! and weifang will tell us all abt her seiyu cashier adventures and we will bully gwen into taking the same bus as us! and we had a christmas sleepover last year! =)=)=)=)

ok and to all my frens! i really enjoy ur company and it's so fun! yay! hmm this is so nostalgic and like thanksgiving! hahah ok it is such a long entry! =) yea nth else to write alrdy! hahah

Hui Wen
11/30/2005 10:32:00 PM

Dinner with Wee
Monday, November 28, 2005
hello! today i had a great dinner with my darling wee leng! ( to wee: i know u are super happy since i put ur name in the title! =) ) anw we took the biopolis shuttle to holland v and then we crossed the road to get to jalan merah saga. and we had a LITTLE trouble trying to find the place kong was talking abt. so anw after he gave me some not very clear details, we went to da paolo to eat! is it correct? i dunno also! hahah but the food was great!

wee and i ate the same stuff which is pasta with this terrific sauce made of crab meat and tomatoes and VODKA! wooo! so funky! anw it tasted wonderful and both of us polished off all the food! hahah ok and then we had a great time chatting abt loads of stuff which shall remain a secret=>hey wee! patting with an a. =) ok so only wee and i understand these crap stuff and yea it was fun! =) and the waiters there were good! nice service and i drank soooo much water. hahah

then we walked ard trying to buy my breakfast for tmr! then we had to locate the bus stop to bring us to Buona Vista MRT station! and with my intelligence, we found it! hahah and we waited so long for that 200! another reason why i so totally dislike buses! oh and wee taught me this fact: that there are notices at bus stops showing the bus routes for all the buses that stop at that stop. oooh! i nv knew that! i'm so unfamiliar with buses! hahah ok so now i will be very informed abt buses! =)

i managed to make wee take the same direction as me for the MRT ride! hahah yay so it was great fun! ok i better go work out to burn those fats in that cream sauce in my FABULOUS pasta! hahah alrighty bye! =)

Hui Wen
11/28/2005 11:53:00 PM

stuff i do when i'm bored at attachment! =)
Friday, November 25, 2005
hi ya all!!!! oh yea on wed, Swyn(funky name i gave ming swin-his previous name is not cool enuff! hahah) and i went to holland v for lunch and i found out to my HORROR that i didnt follow kong's instructions and that the italian place i went for dinner was way off from the one he told me to go to! hahah and so i dragged Swyn to explore and we, i think, found the correct place. =) yay so i'll bring wee there on mon! see? i'm so responsible! i went to do research before bringing wee.

so anw, we walked around holland v shopping centre and i found out that this shop called Creative Dimensions(the name's totally un-creative) has got like the funkiest glittery stuff! i want to get a notebook there! but it's $24 and i dun feel like spending that kind of money... so ppl hear this: you CAN buy me the notebook. =) for belated b day present/christmas present. yay!

then on thurs nicole n i went to z fencing and she regaled me with tales of her pizza hut ad shoot. quite cool! hahah and finally today, we had a boring roti prata lunch at the food court and there was this shooting crew there and i dared him to go and wave behind the host but that guy chickened out! coz this woman barred him from entering. chey. no fun.

ok so yea tmr is shopping day! yay!

Hui Wen
11/25/2005 11:15:00 PM

Attachment-the 2nd week
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
helloo! today is such a COLD day! quite cool! it's very unlike Singapore! i like! hahah anw attachment today was great fun since i got to do the entire thing by myself! =) u can just imagine me looking serious, in the cool white LAB COAT, studying what i see and taking down very important and intellectual notes in my funky ex-PW journal notebook! =) so it is great stuff!

and during lunch ming swin n i went to the funky research bookshop at the same building as our lab and we flipped through many INTRIGUING books like how to analyse dreams, how to play blackjack, how to make a great management team, how to be psychic, how to do yoga, how to lose weight, and how to look STYLISH! hahah i was gawking at all the celebrity photos! =)

yay! then we went to the lvl 6 pantry where the were a whole host of nice(nicer than on lvl 4) drinks available! =) then it was back to more lab work! i'm so tired after today! so from now on, i will only go online from 9 plus to 10.45pm. so that i can sleep! hahah =)

yay! shld have planned some dates alrdy, rite wee wee and wanqi(aka anna k)? =) alritey ciao babes!

Hui Wen
11/22/2005 09:53:00 PM

Amici Italian Restaurant

hellloo! this is a nice entry. =)
today i went for attachment and reached about 10.20am when i was supposed to reach at 10am. (reasons which i do not feel like expounding upon). had a lecture abt various cell surface markers. i understood it! yay! =) had roti prata lunch. yay cheap cheap. and after that we did plasmid purification and left at abt 5.40pm.

the shuttle took so long to come! finally got on it and took to holland v where i had a false alarm! thought i got off too late this time! hahah actually it was the correct stop. had to wait for huilian, jiale, charl so i walked ard, trying to find the place kong was talking abt. but met huilian and we decided to try out Amici Italian Restaurant since it looked romantic and nice and great ambience and it had many certs showing its fine culinary skills! =) waited for jiale and charl! so long! nvm and huilian and i have our ways of spending time! photos! =)

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the PUNCTUAL people! rite, huilian? hahah =)

finally, i ordered Squid Ink Pasta which, according to jiale, is pasta cooked in squid ink! which actually made sense since it was black! hahah but there were scallops which were mama mia yummy! =) i love scallops! =)
so we ate and talked and took photos! but no photos of food since we'd look too ulu and that place is soo dark and romantic, having my ultra powerful flash going off again and again is quite bad! so, only photos of us! hahah narcisstic again! =)

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yay! the 4 of us! bong couldnt come. nvm we can go again! =)

then after dinner, we walked ard and then went home, where i couldnt find the bus stop! but still home! hahah =)

Hui Wen
11/22/2005 12:00:00 AM

new blogskin
Saturday, November 19, 2005
hi all!!!! i've got a new NARCISSTIC blogskin! yay! much nicer than the butterfly one rite? and my photos in the posts can be seen properly! whee!! =)

so i made this blogskin ALL by myself! hahah (ok fine, so my sis was sitting next to me telling me what to do. BUT i still did it MYSELF! yay!) so conclusion: i AM IT-savvy!
the photo collage is nice rite? i didnt know there was some programme for u to make photo collages! my SUA KU sister didnt know there was such a thing and she made hers using powerpoint! sooo innovative! you know what they say, sisters take after each other! =)

don't you think the picture of the pooh bears are cute? my sis n i directed that photo shoot! so cool rite! =) don't deny it! i know u find them CUTE!

the new album "in between dreams" by jack johnson is nice. all the songs are nice! but he is not too handsome. what a waste. but he is talented-so my sis thinks. he writes all the songs himself n sings them!

oh i wanna watch many movies! like chicken little! though that stupid chicken is sooo irritating, not just in macs, but now on TV! hahah

yea that's all i have to say for now! =) cya all soon!

Hui Wen
11/19/2005 05:36:00 PM

just a random post~!
Friday, November 18, 2005
hellooo! i've got nth interesting to blog about!
ok so i've got a lot of things to do like:
  • pack my room! ah ha now we all know that IS the LAST on the list
  • go do my hair!
  • go out with wanqi sinyee liuting! (but liu seems to have disappeared from the face of this earth! she nv reply me!!!!)
  • go out with peiqian ling!
  • go out with shurong weifang gwen!
  • go out with my HAVOCers and play! oh mon dinner is pretty much confirmed! 6.20 at holland v? msg me or sth to confirm k
  • oh this is very important. lose weight. to wanqi: how how how?! hahah =)

there's actually sooo much more but i shall not type everything. makes me feel too busy!

now my days are like attachment then home, then go online! ppl come play with me! i'm getting bored! hahah =)

oh yesh dinner with wee on wed ritey? i WILL check with ppl wad is delicious there! hahah

so if u know where is nice to eat at holland v, tell me! tell me EXACTLY where it is. coz i'm kinda ulu and i dunno where it'll be. so yea. tell me! =)

oh i wanna do sooo many things, but soo little time! i better go plan my dates with my darlings soon. so that i can fit them into my VERY busy schedule! hahah =)

Hui Wen
11/18/2005 11:16:00 PM

Harry Potter Sneak Preview!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
i'm back from the sneak preview of Harry Potter which cost me $8! marcus my PW mate who shld have given me, his NICE PW grpmate, a discount, did not do that! so i really shld spend less now, now that i've got attachment everyday!

to get to Great World City, i had to take 16 from Tiong Bahru and i had NEVER ever taken that bus before! so being the brave me, i took the bus all by myself and kept staring out of the window trying to spot Great World City like a psycho! ok so my sister said opposite great world just get down and i got too excited and got down 1 stop earlier and had to walk! and i got my heels stuck briefly in some drain cover. so paiseh! ok then i continued walking really fast so as not to be stuck in the impending rain since the sky was overcast with cumulonimbus clouds! (ooh! cheem term from pure geog!) and finally i reached great world and i tried to locate yoshi! had some trouble, not to mention zara was rather tempting!

ok then we went into the theatre late! oops. missed the front part on Harry's nightmare. so anw michelle kept gripping my hand whenever sth scary appeared! hahah i got molested by her throughout the WHOLE movie! ok anw sam and i were kinda noisy! hahah ok cho chang is not pretty! cedric is hot! victor krum looks like wayne rooney! eee! =) but the whole movie is a lil rushed! but there are interesting bits like the entrance of the guys n gals from the other magic schs. ok end of my movie review.

so we stoned ard after the movie and i got myself some REAL green tea from 7/11 by mistake! it was tasteless. then we took the shuttle and everyone was mean to me! (u all know who u all are! humph!)

ok then siyuan got lost at cityhall going to the wrong train then wrong escalator! siyuan shld thank me! if not he would be sleeping in pasir ris or some other place tonight!

ok so yay! it was fun! and mich, sam, shuyi we SHLD go out and play! the 4 of us! find a day! =)

Hui Wen
11/17/2005 12:21:00 AM

THE attachment
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
hello again! i am so excited! i started my attachment to BTI (no, not a hot guy!) =) at Biopolis! I am in the company of intellects like myself! =) and no, jon kong and other meanies, i am NOT cleaning test tubes there!

ok anw today it started out on a boring note, with orientation walk then exchanging funky passes into labs and getting a PRO lab coat! went for some talk abt how to make ur manufacturing processes (manufacture vectors, keeping stem cells etc.) in accordance with FDA requirements. sounds pro? more to come. =) then read scientific papers and went off for lunch at nearby MOE.

then i played games like BINGO with my partner Ming Swin who is so lousy at hangman! i THRASHED him. he doesnt even know eric bana! hahah but u're still great fun, Ming Swin! =) oh and i INVENTED the manual memory game-cum-hangman-punishment! yay! if u wanna play that i will teach u! hahah

ok then finally went into the lab to practise micropippetting and did gel electrophoresis where i had to prepare the gel myself. bet u didn't get to do that in life science classes! =) then we used really pro softwares to print the results out and all the machines are so high tech n nice! hahah ok i sound really academic. i am.

ok tmr even more fun! yay! and there's 1SO3Q HARRY POTTER tmr! yay! fun! =)

Hui Wen
11/15/2005 10:26:00 PM

funny quiz
Sunday, November 13, 2005
hello! some announcements: listen up!
1) Charlene, Bong, Jialeee, Huilian: eye candy HAVOC photos up!
2)Wee, Kitty, Chiew, Barb: outing with all ur photos are up!

ok so i took this really stupid quiz and the results are so..... stunning.

Do You Even Know What a Blog Is?
You got 1/8 correct!

What the heck are you doing at Blogthings?

How Much Do You Know About Blogging?

so, what do u think? stupid quiz rite? agreed. =)

Hui Wen
11/13/2005 10:39:00 PM

Outing with 4niners

hellooo! i'm still super enthu about my blog! just publicised my blog to some of my sec sch frens! yay! and they've tagged! =)
oh yesh! i've posted photos!

today was a fun day! i met weeleng kitty barbara at 2.20pm at orchard (altho it was supposed to be 2 and they were so bored waiting for me that they started guessing wad i would wear?!) anw, to find pastamania for barb, we decided to go scotts and walked one big round just to cross the road and not be hounded by the survey ppl! ok so we went to pastamania and stared and wee and barb eat and i koped kitty's drink!

then after crapping we went to cine to meet chiewy and to take neoprints! we bumped into pam and the fencing guys who were dunno doing wad! they SHLD get me my birthday present! really. =)

neoprint taking was fun! i decorated! and we anyhow picked the neoprint while we all hoped to get the one we liked! ok i got wad i wanted! thanks to chiewy who swapped with me! hey kitty chiewy wee scan it in and send to me!

and we went to cine food court and took shitty photos and nice photos!

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my darling Nanyang table buddies!!!

go see them at the photobucket link! had great fun! i think the fish soup auntie thinks we're mad! but nvm!

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see? wee and i looking stupid! =)

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before u think wee and i really look so silly, here's a normal photo of us! arrangement just like in Nanyang!

we then bought cookies from subway where the guy refuses to give me another bag coz he insists "3 for $2.50" and to separate the cookies would then cost me 3 bucks?! ok fine so i just put all in one bag. and kitty had to finish hers then gimme the rest which i being sweet had bought them for my darling sister who is having her exams! =) sweet sister describes me sooo aptly!

then anw barb went home and we played pool at meridien and i am sooo improving at pool larh! watch out marcus and emerson and lizhan and whoever thinks ur great at pool! i'm becoming a master! hahahaha! wee! love the balls? =)

anw we had dinner at ajisen ramen and became very very very full! then we walked ard ps and i like that pink and black and glittery nike dunks! ok i tried to persuade kitty to get really nice pink or the red and black flip flops but she is too obstinate!

finally we went home! took mrt to marina bay just so that we can get a seat! hahah took really crappy photos again!

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tada! crappy photos! ohh no prizes for guessing which pair of feet belongs to me! =)

so i had lotsa fun! i LURVE my Nanyang table buddies! let's play again soon! =)

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my dearies!

ooh! really long post again! so exciting! =)
oh i just realised that the photos are screwed up! urgh! why does it fade??? help! hey jon! are u reading this?! help! =)
nvm to those who want them, just save the pic it'll look ok when u open it.

Hui Wen
11/13/2005 12:21:00 AM

My first post!
Friday, November 11, 2005
hello everybody! i've decided to get a blog for fun! today angel and jeslyn, my 2 darling PW mates were saying how i would have a lot to blog if i had a blog! so i shall try to blog and see if it's fun! oh i must thank my dearie sister who did everything from finding the blogskin address for me to installing the tagboard for me! yay! =)
anw today i finished my PW OP! it was fun! hahah i think my group ROX big time! rite? yes!
ok lemme give a quick run down of my activities from the start of the hols!
31 oct: Halloween party at Jon kong's house! sleepover at shuyi's house! breakfast at adam rd where the nasi lemak is apparently loved by the Sultan of Brunei!
3 nov: HAVOC at jia lee's house! watched the korean drama abt some 18 yr old bride! and national treasure! mahjong! bridge! and GODIVA choc for me from my darling jia leee! so sweet! =)
4 nov: went SICC for bowling, driving range staring and crapping, bridge at poolside
7 nov: movie marathon! watched big daddy with adam sandler. pearl harbour! where i had a lot of comments on that kate beckinsale and josh harnett who were soooo mean to ben affleck!
8 nov: trng at clementi.
9 nov: dry run with Mrs Dhillon! where we were pushed to the last group and had fun with "i never" and my very own game-msg some crap to ppl in the class! hahah
10 nov: trng at clementi.
11 nov: finished PW OP! yay! =)

wow! that is a long post! let's see how long this lasts! =)

Hui Wen
11/11/2005 11:23:00 PM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
