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Sunday, December 30, 2007
i've been busy stuffing my mouth with food and hanging out with my darlings!
i ate so much at cafe iguana that i got bus-sick and ended up walking home from some obsure bus stop. till. i realised it's too late and it's too far for my heels to carry me home. so i flagged a cab. which is super expensive now. like helloooo it's 5 bucks to bring me home when the distance is joggable in say 20 min. if u jog fast and are fit and healthy-something i am not now.

i am now under-exercised and over eating. my mummy has been nagging at me to stop eating and lose some weight. because i have been fat, i am now on a diet. esp after jon told me his bro fasted for a day. and jem kong is a big guy. if he can do it, so can i. hahahah! first step was refusing snacks at yuna's party. then stopping myself from eating too much of the monkey pie thing. and drinking only ONE and 1/4 shot of this yummy chocolate shots jialee got from aust. so yayness. soon i'll be able to eat less. plus school is restarting with all its un appetitising food so i think i'll be able to do that detox thing and finally resemble an anorexic's diet for at least one day. AHAHAHAHA. i've been saying this since sec 3. i still am not anorexic for one day. hahahah. we'll see.

and because i have encouraging friends/fiends like huilian who in all her skinniness reminds me that she is told she is fat by her friend. i am inclined to stick to the diet so i will not look elsewhere when the DIET word is mentioned.

the new year is round the corner. so this is one resolution i have. yay! i'd better stick to it this time and make my mummy proud. hahahha.

since i have dedicated an entire entry to my anorexic diet i will make it work, before even my dad tells me to be anorexic. and so this is my parting shot-i must not succumb to anymore ben and jerry's. even if the one at dempsey is supremely pretty and inviting.


Hui Wen
12/30/2007 12:38:00 AM

Thursday, November 01, 2007
I am a busy 19 year-old. hahahah!

lemme see, there was nola's emo last date + sendoff.

i made her a really sweeet scrapbook and you know how i'm not exactly a very handy girl. hahaha.

there was public health screening when i wowed everyone with my multi-lingualism. hahahaaaha. i am so smug. i know.

ben turned 21 and we gave him 12 shots in lieu of 21 coz we didnt want him to die. plus it was a thursday.

jeslyn asked the funniest qns "do you dig your nose in public when no one is looking" and these were followed by GROSS anecdotes which i didnt really have to know abt!

jeslyn and marcus turned 19 and we had this ELABORATE surprise for them! started with pimping ben's car and pretending to not friend ben to bluff marcus and to successfully surprise him!

my drawings for them drew rave reviews from ben.
he totally believes my lefthanded side-creative and artistic.
dont laugh.

we then took the cable car to sentosa where we looked at stray peacocks and attempting to make them show their wings.

then squeezed 7 ppl into the car to get to cafe del mar!
had their expensive but quite yummy food before we got to our fave-moet & chandon + 16 shots for the birthday children to compete!

more silly qns and more silly ans. SUPER amusing.
though i am slightly paiseh to say i got high on like 3 flutes of champagne, B-52 shot, strawberry margarita and some shot i tried on behalf of jeslyn.

it was funny watching them search for their presents in their drunken stupor. till. they got DRUNK.
and puked puked puked.

tasked with taking care of them. i got slightly grumpy. hahhahhaa.

and the guys thought i was gonna snap their necks as i sulked in the backseat.

us before all that alcohol!

well well. playhouse was done in 2 weeks. and it was good!

as usual, i need to detox. after LACK of exercise and GASP! secret fatty food-ing with shaun.

Hui Wen
11/01/2007 09:05:00 PM

Hui Wen's 19!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
hello! 23 Sept was yours truly's birthday! =)

started with a pre-pre celebration with my musician-turned-lawyer chow peiqian at thebigO.
and she's due to pass my present to me tmr or sat. because she refuses to give me before my birthday. i secretly think she hadnt gotten it then, that's why. HAHAH

met her ultra coolio musician fren from SCO at clarke quay and as usual yours truly was very amusing and coolio. and i probably charmed him very muchly.


sat was with my HAVOCers. we went to Bottle Tree Park for some prawning!

and then we embarrassed ourselves mucho by shrieking whenever we caught a prawn. for the record, we got 3 in an hour. ! HAHAHA.

we didnt know what the bait was. and how much to use.
we debated abt whether prawns like shade or not. very loudly. i think we were like a comedy right before the eyes of fellow prawners. !

jiale DROVE! yippee! and she forgot the headlights at night. not so yippee.

had dinner at arcadia in bishan park and we again made ourselves the spotlight! with our laughter and how we are looking forward to yuna's house warming party very muchly.

here's us!


sun was THE DAY!
celebrated with my family and went to lei garden for some dimsum and peking duck. VERY YUM.
check out my bird's nest dessert!

and my sister is a camwhore too.
we did this, ad nauseam, in the washroom while waiting for mummy!

my SWEET SIS surprised me with a DKNY watch that's so beautiful!

then it was time to say hello to alvin and co=>fencing gang in RJ.
plus nicole who was supposed to meet ALL her friends before she leaves!

after gracing the occasion, HAHAHA, it was for HOLA NOLA date at eden's cafe at club street.

we had spicy chocolate pasta and salmon and hibiscus cheesecake!

YET. we were headed to Dempsey's PS Cafe for more dessert.
and i'm told this is supposed to be suspicious. but not to me!
i happily got a cab after nola and i walked around ann siang hill taking photos!

nola was on her phone msging. anything wrong?
not at all to me.

upon reaching Dempsey, the driver stopped us right in front of PS cafe.
nola, however, insisted on a walk around the place to show me around. and we talked abt her bro's surprise party at harry's. and other stuff.
anything wrong?
not at all!

when we reached PS cafe, instead of going into the airconditioned part, we ignored the waiter and nola said,"we sit outside to emo ok"
nth wrong. RIGHT?

i see ben.
nth wrong. he can chill with friends what.
hey! jeslyn's there too!
nth wrong too.
paul also present!

then my brain clicked! HAHAAHA. ok and they said surprise to help me put everything together!

she planned the surprise with ben and i got a YUM vicky's chocolate-beats lana cakes handsdown!
PLUS. they acted so well.
they didnt wish me happy birthday to get me riled up abt my EVIL friends/fiends from medicine!

gosh. but funnnn. =)
i am officially the most trusting girl i know.

AND they got me a DIOR limited edition makeup palette/wallet!
nola's so sneakyyyyy! she kept asking me to check out the palette with her and which colour is better and if the airport flight one is better! GOSH. i LOVE that girl! =)
all along i thought she was just vain for her dublin LA!
now i've got the wallet and she's got the flight bag! =)

PLUS! HAIRSPRAY OST! which is blasting in my MAC right. now.

watched MAN U VS CHELSEA with marcus, ben, nola!
i'm too coolio.
i know the little known facts abt soccer.
now i'm a fan of MAN U.
i actually watched a FULL EPL match instead of those highlights one. YAY!
i'm coolio!

marcus is crazy. he can list every player. SIAO.
not capable/cute/hot i wont name.
i'm not superficial at all. i go for talent ok.

then we had to cam whore and we invited the boys too!


er. still lousy. BUT. A for effort. HAHAHA.

the pro i.e ME does it well.

ben drove us home. adventure to jurong west-marcus' home.
we got lost. ben refused to ask for directions. so nola and i had to flirt with taxi uncle to ask. HAHAH.

SANG ALONG SUPER LOUDLY TO HAIRSPRAY and ben is a groupie. he can tell u exactly which scene the song is. OH MY. his heart beats for size 60. for real.

AND. we got. a. real.life.police.check along lornie road.
it was so cazh and rad.
call me ULU but it was exciting! maybe after the hoegarden everything is cool. secret: i thought ben's honda jazz was a er. BIG SUV. and i told him "WHOA, ben! you drove a big car today!" and everyone looked at me weirdly. OH WELL. SECRET ok.

policeman will sniff sniff for alcohol and then talk to driver to see if he's well and alert. then u get to go.
not that exciting one.
BUT. the setup was wayyy cool! HAHAAH.

as we havent finished karaok-ing to "YOU CAN'T STOP THE BEAT", we stopped the car outside nola's house and CONTINUED SINGING LA. oh my. SUPER FUNNN.

so happyyyyy!

then we played "WITHOUT LOVE"-HOLA NOLA IT song of the year!
and finally decided it was time to go!

watched some high school musical at nola's. er. not nice one. so kidddyyyy. who breaks into a song during basketball practice la. so weirdddd.
and everyone's a stereotype! ohmygawd.

hahahah. we stopped watching and slept!

went to rj on mon. OHMY. have cheap cheap stationary. 10% discount somemore! we bought so much. it was so funnn to shop at bookshop. so deja vu!

and met ms chia who is very proud of me for being in medicine.
i think it was more like wonderment. she heard abt it from jeslyn the other time and was EXCITED to see me in the flesh. HAHAHAA.

met siaoer and we chatted about our FAV topic over canteen food and YUM 40 cents lemon tea. i VANT that in science canteen pls.

tues was biochem tut. CROWDED to the MAX. and i was late.
lucky got seat liangyi nicely gave me. hahah.
AND during ALON BIRTHDAY CONFERENCE, paulbenmichael BLUFF me AGAIN. and i.fell.for.it.

paul,"we're thinking of making this cake. and u pop out of it and say SURPRISE!"
ben, " yes! well it doesnt have to be you if u dont want to."
me, "er. jeslyn can! may even better. smaller"
p, " but jeslyn more dramatic"
b, "yes!"
me, "how to make such a big cake? today we bake AH?"
b, "cake mould"
me, (thinking WHAT ON EARTH is a cake mould. but i shall not expose my lack of baking skills in public so i shall nod)
p, "not today. we can do another day and at ben's place. got function room"
b, "can dunk alon in pool too!"
michael all the while nodding SERIOUSLY.

GOSH. finally they break out in guffaws of laughter and i was left alone to think what just happened.

i've been punk'd yet AGAIN!
oh my.
it was such a GOOD plan!
paul still asked if i thought alon would get mad!
and i thought abt it seriously!
they're so evil RIGHT!

i think i'm just a nice and imaginative girl so i think that can be done and i actually believe what these fraudsters had to say. !

Hui Wen
9/27/2007 10:25:00 PM

Thursday, September 20, 2007
How to tell if you've been taking too much public transport:
1) you know the TIMINGS of the trains and buses-other than 95 which refuses to believe in sticking to a schedule.
2) you have a 95 dream-come-true. i took a ULTRA LUX 95 to school that day. it was complete with LEG SPACE and COLD COLD COLD AIRCON and and and NOT CROWDED LIKE SARDINES.
oh my oh my. i LOVE that ride to school.
3) you go through the wrong gate in the library because that's how u scan ur card at mrt stations.
4) you know which carriage to go that is nearer to the escalators.

in other news, i got my brows done at bobbibrown and my artist was so funny. she chatted with me and took so long. so meticulous. hahaha. i got my 15 dollars' worth for that 40 min service.

i got famous donuts from nola today and i'm happy!
i met weifang for lunch and she's sooo funny. i can't stop laughing at her. hahahah.

the coming weekend is fun!
i'm turning 19!

Hui Wen
9/20/2007 07:04:00 PM

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
i'm typing this as i'm printing my tutorial!

nola came yesterday and we brought a bunch of kids i.e. ben alon bunny cedric to get paul's present.

AND. we watched HAIRSPRAY! 2nd time for ben and nola.

i LOVE it.

love james marsden AKA cyclops in x men.
so coool.
so slimeballey. hahaahahah.

sat's quad fac bash was so boring.
oh my.
i left at 12.45am.
best part was getting moet.
that's all.

nola and i had an adventure on the train yesterday.
so funny.
and. i knocked my head on my table corner accidentally and SAW STARS. felt like tom&jerry.
now i can feel the bruise.

my my.
printing's done!
i actually went into the PC shop and looked extremely IT savvy with my smooth cartridge buying trip.
EVERYONE go to cyberactive to get cartridges. so much cheaper than popular. esp my epson printer which kinda EATS all the ink so fast. plus it has 4 cartridges. so expensive. every cent counts man.

anyway, britney spears' gimme more is really quite bad.
the lyricist/or lack of can only write corny horny starting verse and the rest of the song goes gimme more gimme more ad nausum.



Hui Wen
9/11/2007 04:40:00 PM

Sunday, August 26, 2007
we are pirates.
medicine dnd was pretty fun.

we got our room and watched wild sex.
i'm not tellin' you how good that show is.

it cracks you and and grosses you out AND teaches you things all at one time.

it's also changed the lives of jeslyn and michael forever.
even in nydc they will think of wild sex and get psyched up.

we changed into our outfits and made a grand entrance to the ballroom and were soon clicking away at our cameras.

the food was so-so. not tt great. the entertainment was not bad.

we managed to milk our $50 bucks for its worth by being one of the two grps to contend for BEST DRESSED TABLE! =)

so our prize is ... one packet of nougats. HAHAHAHAHAH.

here's my GAME face i.e the mysterious gypsy look with the crystal ball which happens to be an 8 ball!

DONT LAUGH. i think my mysterious face is WAY better than ben's captain hook face.

the girls!

my dear old pri sch mate alfred! and HIS game face.

shuyi thinks she's hairspray.

took a whole bunch of other photos and one was super funny.

we headed down to the butter factory for the afterparty and it was alright.

downed some funky flaming drink and prissy jeslyn and i had to use a straw for fear of burning our lips.

busted the joint and checked out the runners for the army half marathon while on the taxi and was convinced that army boys look like secondary school kids

sat around eating cup noodles. comparing seeing stars and fainting spells.
then slept on the comfy bed till sunday!

now, i shall date guyton.

Hui Wen
8/26/2007 06:16:00 PM

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
i'm typing this off my macbook!

a macbook is not all pretty, sherlene!
there are NO viruses and i can use office anyway. so it rocks! =)

so i got the wireless working for me.

met wanqi for lunch today and we were in whiney mode all over again. setting our asses in coffee club and refusing to budge. =)

wanqi knows my SHAMEFUL love and lust for ting if she were a he. HAHAHA.
"i would marry her/him in a heartbeat."

went costume hunting with naitous yesterday. at masquerade where there were CATS in the shop. OH MY. brushed past my hand. TSK.

then went to THE COSTUME SHOP at golden landmark which REALLY isnt a costume shop. it's a dance accessories shop.
i may have even gotten ballet shoes and character skirts from there when i was a VERY CUTE AND SWEET lil girl learning ballet EONS AGO. DONT LAUGH.

they were sweet and provided us with a full list of where to get the costumes from. guess we werent the first ppl to get fooled by their shop name.

headed to one shop with unfriendly staff and STEEP prices.
then to No. 1 costume shop.

we're going as

cool or what.

anyway the boys look pretty cool. like jack sparrowish and all.
jeslyn and i look
well. like slutty pirates.
at least she got a revolver as weapon.
i got some weird thing which so doesnt intimidate anyone.

you'll see on sat.


and today the boys missed the chance to witness my INCREDIBLE badminton skills. that MAY put michael the vj badminton captain to shame. HAHAAH. DONT LAUGH.

well well.

in other news, i had HALF a muddy mud pie today. if you havent tried it, it's GOOD. seriously. but tonnes of fat.
i think a jog is needed.

Hui Wen
8/22/2007 06:30:00 PM

name: Hui Wen
age: 18 going on 19
DoB: 23 Sep
email: screw_loose_4@hotmail.com (DON'T LAUGH! i got it in pri. 6)
school: PEPS, Nanyang, RJC, NUS Medicine
hey! tag if you want. =)
